15: Home's Where I Belong

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Chapter 15: Home's Where I Belong

July 15th, 2019

FP awoke to his phone blaring next to their bed. Alice nudges him gently to wake him from his sleep. FP groggily reaches over to grab his phone and blinks his eyes when he sees Toni's name appear on his screen. That's never a good sign. He looked at the time and inhaled deeply before answering the phone.

"Hello?" He cleared his throat," Toni?" He heard Toni's frantic breathing. "S-She stopped breathing! H-Her heart stopped, FP! I-I-I don't know what happened!" FP jolted out of bed, causing Alice to worry when she caught the sheer whiteness on his face.

"Whoa, whoa! Take a deep breath, Alice and I'll be right there. Just stay calm. We will be right there, okay?" He heard a muffled response that was a cry. "Okay..."

As soon he hung up the phone, he quickly threw on some clothes and headed for downstairs, leaving Alice confused in his wake. Alice quickly followed him and got into their car. "FP, Baby, what happened?" She was scared to death what that answer might be to her question.

"Cheryl's heart stopped when Toni was talking to her. We need to go to hospital." He explained as he pulled out of the driveway.

Alice's eyes filled with tears as she broke into sobs as FP drove them back to the hospital. She called Betty, Archie, Veronica before they pulled into the parking lot. FP found them a parking spot and they quickly made their way to Toni. Toni fell immediately into FP's arms.

"I just don't understand... she was fine. She was fine!" Toni cried as FP soothes her with a calmly voice. "It's going to be okay. She will make it through this. No serpent is left behind." He added the serpent law to calm her nerves.

It seemed like hours when Cheryl's doctor finally walks into the waiting room with an unreadable expression on his face. Toni listens numbly, FP asks the question and well, Alice held the fragile woman in her arms, rocking her as tears cascade down her cheeks. The wait is agony waiting to happen. Antoinette knows her life has fallen apart before her own very eyes, but she doesn't want to admit those harsh thoughts just yet.

Charles came shortly after he'd gotten the call from his mother. Jughead met with Archie, he was still grieving over his father, losing another person might push the young hero over the edge. Veronica had selfish thoughts. She tried to keep them at bay. But it never did work, did it? She thought when she first came to Riverdale, kissing Betty to make the cheer team. Learning about Cheryl's life, how dark and twisted it was for her.

Even now as she sat in a chair, waiting for the news. She worried. She was scared that one of her best friends could die. She had to fight back the tears from escaping, trying to be brave for Cheryl's wife.

"Is she..." She was afraid to even finish the question. Toni shakes her head, trying to be strong and put-together but in fact she is the complete opposite. She knows she's falling.

Cheryl's doctor pulls her aside," Toni, we were able to restart her heart. She is back in the ICU. We want to keep motioning her and we hope to see improvements over the next three days...." Toni zones out after she heard how many days. FP pulls into his arms, nodding as the doctor explained what was going to be happening for meantime.


July 16th, 2019

It was a new day or at least the family hoped.  The young Blossom didn't show any signs of waking up. And her wife began to worry. Her family began to feel her slowly slipping away from them. In all honesty, none of them knew what the outcome will be. And that was what scared them the most.

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