Shaken Up

907 13 12

Leni POV:

At 7:00 in the morning, I slowly woke up to the sound of someone making breakfast. At first, I thought that Dad was making it...however he was still asleep so I slowly went to investigate only to find that it was Lori. 

Lori. She doesn't usually make breakfast which meant that something happened. The only question is I stared at her..I never noticed that Lucy and Luna were standing right next to me. Her hair was also messed up and she had bags underneath her eyes.

"Dude...Is Lori making breakfast?" Luna asked.

"Yes. It's strange. She usually wakes up and talks to Bobby while Dad or Lincoln cooks breakfast." Lucy said.

"Yeah. Lincoln always knows what to make for us. But enough about the past...we need to talk to Lori." Luna said.

"Wait until the others wake up then we'll confront her." I said. As we waited the others sans Luan woke up and were stunned by the fact that Lori..made breakfast. As we sat down and ate..I decided to open the conversation.

"Lori..Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. Everything's fine." Lori said quickly.

"But what about your morning phone call with Bobby?" Lucy asked.

"I can talk to him later...I just need to spend time with my family." She said.

"Lori...I'm sorry to say this, but you're not okay." I said.

"What are you talking about Leni? I'm perfectly fine." Lori said.

"No. You're not....The usual Lori would be eager to talk to Bobby while letting one of us sans our younger sisters cook. Now tell us what's wrong." Lynn said.

"Fine. I had a nightmare last night." Lori said.

"A nightmare?" I asked.

"Yes..A nightmare about Luan." Lori said.

"Sweetie...Can you tell us about it?" Mom asked.

"Well..In my dream...I woke up and went to check on all of you, but when I went to check on Luan..She was nowhere to be found." Lori said.

"I'm guessing that's the part where shit heats the fan." Lynn said. Lori slowly nodded which didn't help ease the dread slowly building inside. Luan almost ended her life yesterday..and I felt that she would attempt it again. How I knew...I don't know, but she needed all of us to keep an eye on her. 

"Lynn...Language." Dad said.

"After that..I heard her voice echo off the walls saying that I should've let her die...and that she needed to repent..then..she stopped and showed me something that I hope never happened in the future." Lori said.

"What could possibly...No..NO.." Mom said.

"Sigh...I looked at her all were there including Lincoln and you all said things about her helping you guys in the past. When I went near her..she grabbed me and..I woke up afterwards." Lori said.

"Woah..That doesn't sound pleasant." Lana said.

"It wasn't." Lori said.

"Lori...That Dream May look scary, but...It doesn't mean that it'll come true. What it means is that we need to keep a close eye on Luan before she tries to end her life again." I said.

"Leni's right sweetie. We just need to make sure that Luan doesn't do anything to injure herself or kill herself which is why...we're keeping an eye on the knives and medicine that we have." Dad said.

"I also managed to build some security cameras that will keep an eye on the areas where Luan is most likely going to attempt to end her life. Hopefully..she doesn't try anything, but..." Lisa said.

"We can only hope Lisa...only time will tell if she does anything." Mom said. As we kept eating, we never noticed a shadow listening in from the halls and never noticed that Luan would slip out of our grasp before we finished breakfast.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

Consequences (Alternative Version)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora