Heart Break (Part Two of Three)

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Lori POV:

As I was eating....I felt like something was wrong. Almost like someone important to me ran away  and was about to do something that will surely break my heart and spirit. It took a moment for me to realize that Luan wasn't here which made my blood run cold.

"Guys...Where's Luan?" I asked.

"She's probably still sleeping Lori." Mom said.

"I'm going to check on her." I said as I stood up and walked over to her room. As I got closer...I felt my heart beat against my chest. Luan wouldn't run away...she was always happy and made sure that we all had smiles on her faces. But...seeing how she almost killed herself yesterday is making me have doubts. 

Eventually I made it to the door and opened it really slowly hoping to see my sister sleeping in the bed. Only to come to a sight which made my heart break. Luan wasn't in her room..and her clothes and valuables were gone with her. The window...was wide open and I knew that she ran away. I felt tears coming to my eyes and I collapsed on my knees. I couldn't stop the sobs from coming out of my mouth which drew the attention of the other members of my family.

"Lori...What's wrong?" Leni asked.

"Luan...S..S..She." I managed to say before another sob left my lips.

"But I don't see Luan anywhere..." Mom said before her eyes widened in realization.

"She couldn't." Luna said.

"She did." Lynn said.

"What are you guys talking about? And where's Luan?" Lola asked.

"Lola...She ran away." Lynn said.

"What?! She's out there in this weather?!" Rita exclaimed.

"Rita...Just sit down and relax...We'll find her." Lynn Sr. Said.

"Calm down? My baby is out there and is probably going to commit suicide again." Rita said.

"Not to worry Parental Units...I have a tracking device implanted in Luan's arm which will tell us her exact location. I just need to borrow someone's phone and we will find Luan easily." Lisa said.

"You can use mine. But after we find Luan...We need to talk about those tracking devices that you probably planted in all of us." Lori said with a glare. Lisa sighed and started to access the tracking devices location...When she finally managed to see it..She quickly became pale and turned to her parents in a panic.

"Mother unit....Father Unit...We need to go...Now!!" Lisa said.

"Why?" Lynn Sr. Asked.

"Because the tracker says that she's close to the Royal Woods bridge." Lisa said. Everyone gasped and quickly ran towards Vanzilla. As they drove off...They hoped that they make it before Luan commits suicide. Unaware that a friend of hers was trying to talk her out of it..with limited success.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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