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Leni POV:

It has been 6 hours since Mom and Dad went out for their meeting and all of us (excluding Lincoln) were watching Dream Boat. It was a nice distraction from all of the terrible things that have fallen on my family. Despite this....I had a funny feeling like things were going to get worse for Luan then they already were.

"Leni...Are you okay?" Lori asked. I quickly looked at her, but before I can answer...I felt a ping coming from my phone.

"Hold that thought Lori...I just need to see what's going on." I said as I fished out my phone and looked at it. But as I did so...I felt my blood run cold so I did the only thing that I could do...

I stood up and started to lead Lori to another part of the motel away from the ears of Luan.

"Leni...Why did you pull me away from the others?" Lori asked.

"We have a big problem on our hands Lori. Look at this..." I said as I showed her the article. As she read it...I can see the surprise and fear that was building inside her. 

"Please tell me that this isn't trending." Lori said.

"Not at the moment, but we both know how quickly that will change. Which is why I pulled you aside as we can talk about this." Leni said.

"I can't believe this. Someone connected the dots and posted what happened on Social Media." Lori said.

"We have bigger things to worry about then figuring out who did this. We know how devastated Luan is over this and having people bullying and giving her grief about it is just going to make everything worse." I said.

"Sigh...But what can we do? Luan's in a completely different grade then either of us and even has a different schedule then us. Even if we could..it'll be difficult for either of us to protect her from anyone who wants to give her a hard time." Lori said.

"Which is why...We need to talk to Maggie again." I said.

"Okay. Hopefully...She'll agree to help us. If not then I fear that Luan may be pushed to the point of no return." Lori said before she walked back towards the others. Sighing..I knew that Lori was right. Luan already tried to kill herself over this...and if the pressure gets too much then she'll try doing it again. Shaking my head...I started to head back to the others and started to think of who posted that article in the first place. Unaware that the person who did so.. 

Was the person that all of us least expected.

Narrator POV:

At the same time, the Loud parents were getting some pizza for the girls before heading home. They just finished the meeting with the police chief and managed to stop him from placing their daughter behind bars. But it was bittersweet for them since the chief said that the next time that she pulls a prank in this scale...

He'll lock her up in jail no matter what they say in her defense causing the two parents to worry. They knew Luan loved pranks, but knowing that the police would actually lock her up if she ever did something as destructive as this one was worrying. 

"Well...the meeting went well didn't it?" Lynn Sr. Said before the two parents left to get their kids something to eat. 

"It did. But....I'm kinda worried about Luan's future." Rita said.

"I know what you mean. I want all of my children to succeed...however it seems like we have been a bit easy on them over the years hasn't it?" Lynn said.

"I would be lying if I said no to that. What happened to us? When did we become pushovers to our own kids and others?" Rita asked.

"I have no idea, but we have to be better. If not....then everything that we worked hard for would go down the drain." Lynn said. Rita didn't say anything and just stared out the window. She felt like something terrible was going to happen to one of her girls, but she quickly pushed that feeling down. 

It wasn't like someone posted what happened on social media for the whole world to see...


Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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