Fall (Part Three of Three)

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I don't own the song. The song belongs to the PussyCat dolls/UMG

The lyrics are from randomnessmuch on youtube 

Narrator POV:

Before the Louds noticed that Luan was gone, she was running towards the Royal Woods Bridge ready to disappear from this world forever. When she finally made it..she slowly walked across without worrying about any vehicles coming since it was used a backroad for people in a rush to get home. As she walked..she noticed a puddle and slowly stared at it and turned away. Unaware that Maggie was coming near her and was watching since Luan's soul was full of sadness and regret.

We're driving slow through the snow on Fifth Avenue and right now radio's all that we can hear and we ain't talked since we left it's so overdue it's cold outside but between us it's worse in here  

Before long Luan stopped and started to climb near the middle of the bridge and Maggie knew that she needed to act before Luan actually managed to go through with her dark thought.

"Luan. Stop...I know that your soul is hurting, but killing yourself is not the answer." Maggie Said. When Luan heard that..she slowly turned around and faced Maggie with tears slowly coming towards her eyes.

"You don't get it. I'M A MISTAKE!" Luan shouted stunning Maggie while the Louds were speeding turning to reach their sister/daughter.

"We should have never left her alone." Rita Said.

"I know. But that's not important right now... we need to stop her before she does something that she'll regret." Lynn Sr. Said as the girls anxiously sat in their seats eager to save their sister before she goes through with what she's planning.

The world slows down 

"Luan...You're not a mistake. Come down..people care about you and will surely miss you if you go through with this." Maggie Said.

"Please...They'll leave me alone and hope that I'll die in a ditch for what I've done to Lincoln." Luan said.

"What happened to..." Maggie started to ask, but stopped once Luan hollowly laughed scaring Maggie a little. Luan was never like this and was terrifying to watch how depressed she was. 

"I played a prank on Lincoln that went horribly wrong. Now he's in a coma and when he comes out of it..he'll hate me." Luan said after she finished laughing.

But my heart beats fast right now I know this is the part where the end starts

"Can't you go faster Dad? Luan's life is in stake!!" Luna shouted.

"I'm giving her all that she's got." Lynn Sr. Said.

"I knew that we should've kept the new car. Now...it may be too late to save her." Lana said.

"Don't talk like that Lana. We have plenty of time for us to save Luan. And don't you dare open that mouth Lisa. Your blunt truths will only make the situation worse." Lori said as Lisa sat down and looked at Lori's phone. They were close, but not close enough to stop Luan before she falls off the bridge.

I can't take this any longer thought that we were stronger all we do is linger slipping through our fingers 

"Listen Luan...Lincoln wouldn't want you to kill yourself over him. He would like you to smile and wants to see your face when he wakes up." Maggie Said.

"Don't you dare tell me what Lincoln wants. He hates me. Everyone does...all I do is pull pranks that could actually kill someone and tell awful puns that nobody finds funny. I'm nothing, but a sick joke to everyone and I'm doing everyone a favor." Luan said.

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