Aggressive Gawking

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After her encounter with Leo, Macy was, to her surprise, more cheerful than usual. Sure, the whole incident with the picture got her upset, but now things were changing. Artistically speaking, she was turning over a new leaf, much like the ones on her now altered canvas. If there one was one thing that she wasn't scared of it was change. She embraced change and the excitement it brought. Nothing got Macy down the rest of the day. Not awful trigonometry. Not the weird stares she got as she skipped down the hallway.

Not even the cafeteria, which was usually petrifying to Macy on a good day. Something about a hundred high schoolers judging as you walked down the main aisle. Hoping for someone to scoot over and accept you into their circle. Thankfully, she never suffered the agony most people did of being rejected. She always knew right where her spot was.

"Where were you during first period?" Sophia was less concerned with her lunch and more concerned with her best friend's strange behavior. "And why are you smiling like that? It's creepy."

"I am recreating my art. Starting a new hobby." Macy took her seat across from Sophia at a suburban cafeteria table.

"If it involves me going back to Mister Ronald's house, I'm out."

"No! See, that's the great thing. It doesn't involve you at all!"

"I see how much I'm appreciated.." Sophia stabbed at her broccoli.

"Not like that." Glaring at her friend, she pulled the altered picture out of her bag to show Sophia.

"When did you learn to paint?"

"I didn't. Some art student did, painted over it without asking me. Anyways, I confronted him, and he's teaching me how to paint. According to Miss Wilson, mixed media is all the rave now."

Sophia set her fork down. "So, you're telling me you skipped first period to confront some guy about messing with your picture, then you end up agreeing to work with said punk, who, might I add, has not been introduced to me. I already don't like him. He's a bad influe--"

"Look, look. That's him." She slapped Sophia's arm from across the table.

"Ho-wee cwap," If Sophia's mouth hadn't been full of food, Macy was sure she would have her jaw dropped. "You could've mentioned he was hot earlier!"

Macy rolled her eyes. Of course that's all Sophia would care about. "Minor details."

"Major detail. How did you convince him to teach you?"

"Backed him into a corner and gave him no choice. Although, I'm not sure it worked. I think he agreed for different reasons." Leo didn't seem like the type to fall for a small girl's threats. No matter how reluctant Leo had been at first, he was insistent on it once she tried to back out. 

"Honestly, I think he's helping me out of pity. You know, like people leave bowls out for stray cats? They think they're cute but hope they go away in a day or two."

"Well, we're gonna have to make you the cat he doesn't want to get rid of."Macy shoved a plateful of fried rice into her mouth. "No. No, I am not in this for any of your romance games."

"Shut up. He's heading this way."

"Nuh-uh." Macy couldn't believe it. Sophia was messing with her. She flipped her head around to find Leo not walking directly for their table, but walking past. He must've felt someone watching him, because he glanced right at them.

Macy involuntarily gave a weak wave, embarrassed that they were caught gawking.

With a small smile, he waved back at her, continuing on to a different part of the cafeteria.

"Holy crap! Macy! He waved!" Sophia kicked her friend under the table. Macy shot her a threatening look, unsure if she meant to be aggressive was on purpose or if she really could not contain her excitement.

"People usually do when they see someone they know looking at them.." Macy muttered in an attempt to conceal her internal squeals. She knew that out of the two of them, she would have to be the one with a sound mind. She refused to let a boy she just met into all her fantasies.

"So, he's hot and nice! Macy, you're so lucky—"

"Oh my God, Sophia. He's teaching me to paint, not have babies."

Sophia stood up, tray filled with leftover cafeteria food in hand. "Well, if it comes to it, I call dibs on maid of honor."

Macy had gotten used to a lot of Sophia antics over the years they've been friends. This wouldn't be the end of incessant teasing and jokes. She vowed in advance that she wouldn't let Sophia plant ridiculous ideas in her imagination. God knows, once the dreams get there, she wouldn't be able to get them out.

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