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"Perfect." Macy said, making sure the last picture was hung straight on Leo's bedroom wall. "I still can't believe you waited a month to hang all these!"

"I've been busy." Leo smirked, raising an eyebrow at Macy.

Macy laid on her side on his bed as he tapped away on his phone sitting at his desk. "You know, I think I want to be a nun."

Leo busted out laughing. "A nun?"

Macy wasn't amused. "Yeah! I could get used to being here at the convent. It's homey. There's good food."

"And you think you'd make a good nun?"

"Well, no.. But I could learn to cook."

Leo rolled his eyes, sauntering over to the bed until he plopped down next to Macy. Within the next second, he had pushed her back in an intense kiss that made her hands go around to the nape of his neck.

Too soon, Leo pulled away. "You can't be a nun, Macy."

"Touche." She gave in.

"Plus, you'd have to believe in God. And with all that's happened, I really doubt either of us have much hope left in one."

"Actually, I do."

Leo grimaced. "How?"

"If there was no judge, or God perse, then there would be no justice." Macy thought back to the trial. After the autopsy report and investigations came back, four other girl's bodies were found. One in Macy's town, three back in Indiana. Father Chambers received 175 years in prison, guilty on all charges.

"Macy, there was a physical judge that did the sentencing, not God."

"Yeah, I mean, the judge was a facilitator of justice, but.. The judge didn't bring us together. If we never met, none of this would have happened. Plus, when you see a demon staring into your soul in the middle of the woods, it kind of changes everything you think you know."

Leo watched intently as Macy rattled on.

"Oh, and, also, someone once told me that it's hard to not believe in God when you're around someone who's created so perfectly."

Macy winked in Leo's direction, making him chuckle.

"Those weren't my exact words."

"That was my interpretation."

Their banter got interrupted by a knock on the door.

Leo stepped aside as he opened it.

"You know, I was kind of nervous about visiting a monastery with all these monk ladies, but one of them gave me an apple strudel on the way up, and I'm pretty sure I died and went to heaven."

Macy laughed at Sophia, who, as she was talking, was currently making herself at home in Leo's bedroom.

"To what do we owe this pleasure?" Macy asked, sitting on the edge of Leo's bed.

"Am I interrupting something?" Before either Macy or Leo could answer she continued on, "I hope not, because you're in a monastery. I'm pretty sure even holding hands would get you struck by lightening."

Leo raised a finger, interrupting her. "One, it's a convent. Not a monastery. Two, seeing as we just kissed, I'd think the odds—"

"TMI. Thanks for the clarification though."

Macy shot Leo a "sorry" look, which he rolled his eyes to in response, as if Sophia's bubbly personality didn't even slightly bother him.

"Macy, pull up your phone."

Macy did as Sophia ordered.

"500 Masters Drive."

Macy quirked an eyebrow up at her friend. "What are you doing?"

"Well, I was riding down this road the other day on the other side of town. It wasn't anywhere near where you've taken me before, and it looked really cool. I thought you would be interested."

"You want to go abandoned house hunting?"

Sophia rolled her eyes. "Don't sound so surprised. I figured, we have Leo now. I feel a little safer."

"Are you sure?"

"Please, it's more for selfish reasons. Like letting Leo know that I was here before he ever was."

"I can respect that." Leo responded, still smirking.

"Well, what are you both waiting for?" Sophia motioned to the doorway, telling them to get a move on it.

The three jogged down the stone steps of the convent.

"We'll be back, Martha!" Macy shouted to the nun who was currently in the kitchen off from the foyer.

"You three be safe! And be back for dinner!"

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