Broody Bad Girl

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"Wait, what!?" Sophia screamed, gathering all attention possible in the halls after school the next day.

"I wanted to wait to tell you for this exact reason.." Macy muttered.

"Wait, wait, wait. So you're telling me, you went to Leo's house without telling me!?"

"I thought it was your note! I thought you were wanting to make up with me."

"Heck no! And that's definitely not how I'd go about it. Maybe a coffee at your front door, but that's about it. But do not change the subject. What happened!?"

Macy recounted everything from the paintbrushes to showing up at the church to Martha the Nun and her new love for lasagna.

"Did he kiss you goodbye?"

Macy rolled her eyes. Even after explaining in detail the priest's study incident, Sophia was still only caught up in the romance.

"Don't even remind me. I brought up virgin hands at the dinner table."

Sophia gasped. "You did not."

"I did. And I'm not sure how he took it, but it is safe to say, my hands are still virgin."

"Not for long." Sophia sung.

Macy had to remind her that she definitely corrected his dad's mistake of calling her his girlfriend. It didn't look like any type of innocence was being lost soon. No hand holding. No kissing. And definitely no—

"Oh my gosh! I have a great idea."

"I'm sure you have an idea. Whether it's great or not.."

"No, Macy, hear me out. Leo's all broody, bad boy, right?"

Macy chuckled. Sure, she thought he was a bad boy at first right too. I mean, he smokes on school grounds, keeps to himself, and has looks that could kill. Those were stereotypical bad boy traits.

"We should make you look bad!"

"Mission accomplished." Macy said, gesturing to her nest of a messy bun seated on the top of her head.

"No. I'll show you."

And show Macy, she did.

"You should know that I am investing my heart and soul into this relationship. I am using my favorite eyeliner."

"What an honor." Macy snickered.

"Now, stop moving. It's got to be a pointed wing. Dramatic, accentuating your eyes."

Macy had to withhold the eye roll as she felt the tip of the pen roll along her waterline. Eyeliner and eyeshadow was new for her. She never had much interest in make-up.

Sophia, on the other hand, seemed to believe it would take her and Leo's relationship to the next level. Her words, not Macy's.

"If I were you, I would just go for it. I mean, you two have already spent this much time together. Maybe he doesn't think you're interested. You can be a little intimidating, with your independence and everything. Maybe you should just move in for the kiss first."

Macy sat as Sophia rattled on about a relationship she had never even witnessed firsthand. As far as Macy was concerned, she was happy with where her and Leo's friendship stood. Sure, it was a little frustrating how she never caught him staring at her with doe eyes like he caught her doing various times. But hey, she was grateful for even the minute amount of flirting they had done.

"All finished." Sophia handed Macy a mirror.

"Holy crap." Macy barely recognized herself. "It looks like I was sucker punched in both eyes!"

"It's called 'smoky eyes', hun. And you look totally bad ass. He won't know what hit him."

Macy sucked up her pride. She had to give it to Sophia. The makeup not only darkened her eyes and sharpened her facial features, she also felt invulnerable.

"So what's the plan again?" Macy grabbed her purse and lipstick provided by Sophia.

"Take him the address you sent me. Use your sultry eyes to seduce him into going abandoned house hunting with you. Assuming his says yes, which he will, tell him how much it means to you and move in for the big finish."

"There were numerous words in that sentence I'd rather you never use again."

"Just go!" Sophia pushed her friend out the door, making sure not a hair was out of place before she started to the Cathedral.

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