James Dean

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A/N: Hey you! Thanks for making it this far! Here's a warning that from here on out is the first draft. I was planning on editing it before posting, but it's better for this story to be "completed" right now than to wait until it's final draft (bc honest to God, you may be waiting a long time). So here's the first draft! Enjoy 


"So, after you met, you became.. Would you say, pretty close?"

The next day, Macy was practically sprinting across campus to reach the art room after school. She stopped in her tracks as she saw the exact person she was looking for leaned against a table on an isolated side of campus.

Leo seemed to be at ease in his solitude that Macy almost didn't walk on up to him. She could use some peace and solitude though too, she thought.

"They say smoking takes, like, twenty years off your life, you know?" Macy approached Leo, who had just puffed out a dark cloud.

Leo smirked, not seeming perturbed by the girl's presence at all. "Who says I want to live that long?"

Macy leaned next to him against the table. Usually, she would be overly paranoid about getting caught next to a smoker on school grounds, but Leo didn't seem anxious at all. It wasn't her breaking the rules, anyways.

She watched his face as he stared off in his thoughts. Despite how much she fought Sophia's perpetual teasing, Macy couldn't deny how attractive Leo was. He was different than all the other boys at Sunrise High. He could've passed for the son of James Dean. Frank Sinatra maybe. Who knew? His jawline was straight cut, most all his features were pointed. Besides the youth that could still be seen in his eyes and lips, everything else about him screamed mature. Mature being practically the opposite of Macy.

"You do know they say staring is rude, right?" Leo's eyes flickered in Macy's direction.

Crap. "Sorry, sorry. I.."

Leo chuckled, the impish grin once again brightening his face.

Macy covered her horror. "I was just thinking you look like someone I know."

"Someone you like to stare at?" He asked, snickering.

She would never admit to him that she had spent many hours watching James Dean on the television. Macy decided to keep that tidbit to herself.


I flipped around swiftly to find Miss Wilson standing in the entrance to the patio.

"Miss Wilson!" Macy exclaimed, not being able to hide the anxiety. Her eyes, not so subtly, shot to Leo's hand. To her surprise, his cigarette was nowhere in sight, no smoke clouds in the wind.

Miss Wilson took a moment to examine the two who were now standing awkwardly next to each other. "This is a.. Different sight."

"It's an unusual alliance." Macy said, her words dripping with frivolity.

"Very well, then. As long as Mister Chambers doesn't lead you into trouble."

Leo feigned innocence. "I would never."

"I find that highly doubtful." Miss Wilson commented before continuing down the hallway.

Macy let out a breath of fresh air, pivoting towards Leo.

Reading Macy's mind, he lifted his converse to show her the cigarette smushed underneath it.

"That was so close!" She shoved Leo, who in turn grabbed her arm and led her towards the hallway.

"Let's go paint, Macy."

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