Happy Trees

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A few days later, Macy found herself in the art room once again.

No matter how much care she took stroking her paintbrush across the canvas, she couldn't steady her hand for the life of her. Maybe it was because of the draft winding through the art room. Or the boy staring over her shoulder derisively.

"You're shaking your hand too much to paint the trees yet. A good tree is a strong straight line."

"Thank you. In theory, that would make sense. In practice, it's hopeless." Macy threw the paintbrush down on the easel. "I suck at painting. My mom always told me I didn't have an artsy bone in my body."

"As tempted as I am to agree," Leo stepped closer to the painting, "I think you're just impatient."

"Excuse me?" She squinted her eyes at her hypercritical teacher.

"Painting takes time. You don't paint a showpiece in two training sessions."

"Yes, but you promised me three."

Leo rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Then I amend. You don't paint a showpiece in three training sessions."

Lacy slumped down by the far wall in the art class. As she observed all the paintings placed on other easels, hers was as average, or even below average as it could get. It truly didn't capture the essence she had in her pictures.

"Maybe I should just go back to what I used to do.."

"Which was..?" Leo plopped down next to her.

"It's stupid really.." Macy stopped playing with her hair once she realized it had become a nervous habit. There weren't many who knew about her hobby, and those who did didn't exactly approve.

"Well, let's have it."

Before her mind objected, her mouth started spilling the truth. "Those pictures I showed you the other day? Well, I took them. I take pictures of abandoned places. I love exploring and seeing the places that Mother Nature has taken back."

"Mother Nature?" He interrupted.

Macy nodded her head. "These places were once important to someone. I just love to capture them one last time."

"So, why painting then?"

"They're illegally taken. I can't use them for anything. No contests, no publishing. Half the people who own these places would kill if they knew I was trespassing on their property."

"Unconventional intentions, but I'm willing to help anyone with a passion. Let's try again then, shall we?" Leo stood up, offering her a hand. Passing her a new paintbrush, he took her hand in his. "Don't expect this every time." He said, as he led her hand down to make a perfect line for a new tree. With the fan brush, he showed her how much pressure was needed for the branches.

As Leo's arms enveloped her, she had to remind herself to breath. It was as if smelling him was too personal. After a few moments, she couldn't help it. She had to steadily breath, and by doing so, picked up on the smell of fresh oil, honey, cigarette smoke.

After the one tree, Macy picked up slightly on the technique and painted another tree all by herself.

"Not bad." Leo said, startling Macy out of her daydreams. She barely even recognized the tree she painted.

She sat back, admiring her work. Maybe all wasn't hopeless.

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