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When Macy woke up, her head was foggy as if she hadn't even slept. For some reason, she felt cold and more alone than usual.

She racked her mind to determine what was real and what was a dream. She and Leo found a dead body in the woods.

Leo called the cops. It was all kind of a blur after that. Although, she did vaguely remember Leo holding her as she fell asleep. Maybe that's why she felt so cold.

In her drunken state, she was looking forward to some coffee to wake her up.

Unfortunately, when you report a dead body, the police want the details as soon as possible. So, as Macy stumbled down the steps to the kitchen, two police officers were already seated near her mom at the counter.

"Miss Macy, I'm Officer Dooley." He stood up abruptly, reaching out his hand for her to shake it.

Holding up a finger, she stopped him there. "Can I please get some coffee before we start all this?"

The officer held his hands up in surrender. "Certainly. I wouldn't want to disturb you before you've even woken up."

Except that there's a killer on the loose, and you have details that could lead to his arrest. Macy knew that's what he wanted to say.

Once Macy took a few sips of her coffee, she opened the room for discussion, recalling all the details she could remember.

"Now, you do not have any suspicions as to who might have been the murderer, Macy, do you? We must ask."

"Before we found the body, I remember turning to Leo and asking him if he saw what I saw. Two red, beaming eyes coming out of the woods."

"Red eyes?" The officer looked at her skeptically.

"I know paranormal activity doesn't hold up in court very well.."

"Not at all actually."

"But, Officer, hypothetically, wouldn't it be smart for a murderer to leave their victim's body guarded by an entity that would protect it from being found?"

"Hypothetically, I suppose, if such things existed."

This made Macy think. Of course, no one believed her, but she couldn't shake the idea from her mind.

"Did you have someone in mind that might do such a thing?"

Should she? She paused, considering the consequences. "Leo's father is a priest."

The officers took their notepads out and began scribbling incessantly as she went on.

"He told us to stay safe, which he never had done before." She then recounted the book she found in his study, but they didn't seem as interested in that detail. She thought that one was most compelling.

"I think that's everything." Macy said, slumping back in her chair and sipping her coffee.

"Very well. Thank you Miss Macy, Miss Lane. We'll stay in touch. Call us if any thing else comes to mind."

Macy nodded her head as her mom escorted the officers out of the house.

"Macy, that is a strong accusation. Are you sure you should've brought Leo's father into it?"

"There was just something so off about him, Mom. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't at least mention it. If it's a dead end, then, oh well."

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