Squeaky Voice

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"He what!?"

"Okay, so I knew you would freak, but I thought I would have at least a few more seconds to turn my volume down." Macy held the phone away from her ear.

"Macy! He likes you!"

"He has a girlfriend." Macy fell back onto her bed dreamily. "She barged into the art room all like.. 'I've missed you, sweetie'."

"Did she really say it with that annoying squeaky voice?"

"It sounded like that to me."

Despite how much Macy didn't want to tell Sophia everything, she had to. They were best friends! Who else would she tell? Her mom, who would freak out equally just as much if not more?

Plus, Macy had neither confirmed nor denied any feelings towards Leo. Not even to herself. Guys rarely befriended her, so she didn't want to get her hopes up to high. What if this is how all guys treated their friend girls, and she was just over-analyzing it?

As expected, Sophia had an argument for that too. Numerous ways Leo has shown he was interested in Macy. Not that she witnessed any of them. Or that she's even met him in the first place.

Macy let Sophia go on with her speech as she Google Earthed the nearest roads she'd never been down.

"I heard a girl say that he totally gave her the cold shoulder mid-assignment in English class, so the fact that he's helping you should come as a big surprise. Plus, with his blond hair and your petite figure, your kids would be so cute!"



The other end went silent as Macy made sure her best friend was listening. "388 Stratton Street."

"Macy, no."

"Come on! There's no neighbors around for like a mile. We wouldn't get caught, and there's a river that runs behind it that would probably make some great shots."

"I already told you. Between the cow poop and the dogs, I'm out. And that was just last week's events. Remember that time you made me climb the privacy fence for that one house, and I fell and sprained my ankle?"

"Purely your fault. I used the gate. You were too impatient to wait for me to pick the lock."

"My point stands. I'm not going."

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