To the Stand

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"Court is back in session. Let's hear from the prosecution."

The attorney sitting next to Macy stood from his chair and took his stand. He better have something good to get us out of this mess.

"May I have Leonardo Chambers to the stand?"

Macy was left alone at the counsel table as the two left her side. She was digging her fingernails into her palms in anxiety.

"Leo, how would you say your and your father's relationship is?"


"Like most teenage boys. Can you explain your father's temperament towards you?"

"Confusing. He lets me do what I want for the most part, but sometimes he'll lash out."

A groan sounded from the defendant's side.

"Would you say your father has ever been abusive?"


"And you wouldn't put it past him to disown you?"

"I think that would be easier than now. Since he's known about me, I was always a threat to his priesthood."

"Last question, when was the last time he abused you? And how?"

"Last week. He grabbed me, and he punched me."

"Thank you."


Macy's anger was off the charts. What kind of prosecution was that!? If anything, it finalized the jury's decision.

The defense attorney arose from his chair. "Leo, your father says you used to be on medication."

"When I was going through a rough time, yes."

"And you stopped after you moved into town?"

"I was feeling better about life. The circumstances were making me depressed."

"I just find it ironic that now we've succumbed to the proverbial punchline. 'He beats me, has been for years.' It's an easy way out of admitting your own immorality. The crime you committed."

"Objection." The lawyer next to Macy sounded.


"No further questions."

Leo came back to sit at the table, his hands shaking profusely.

Macy reached under the table and took them in hers. She thought this may have been the last time she was able to do that.

"Your honor, I have one more witness I'd like to call to the stand."

"Go on then."

"Sophia Martins."

Sophia? Macy's eyes could've popped out of her head.


"Welcome home." Macy greeted her mom, as she sat on the island counter in the kitchen. She had slept for eight hours and was feeling immensely better.

"Thanks. You seem to be doing better. Oh, and there's a surprise for you." Macy's mom strolled into the door with groceries, following closely behind her was Sophia.


The girl ran up to Macy and wrapped her arms around her neck. "I can't imagine all you're going through right now. Just know that I am here for you, ready to mindlessly binge watch Netflix to escape from this awful reality."

"It's not all awful.."

"Not for you! You didn't get ditched by your best friend for weeks!"

"I'm sorry."

"It's water under the bridge. I'm just a little jealous of Leo, being able to spend so much time with you."

"We just need to get you a boyfriend, then we can double date."

Sophia laughed. "As if. Unfortunately, you scored the only high school boy in the county who doesn't still eat his boogers."

Macy cringed, but ended up laughing more heartily than she had in awhile. She didn't realize how much she missed her best friend.

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