The Occult

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"So you mentioned in your testimony, when you first met Father Chambers, it was.. Odd?"

After an hour of talking over the dinner table, Leo and Macy found their way upstairs to Leo's bedroom.

Another milestone for Macy. Not only was she "brought home" by a boy, but she stepped foot in his bedroom too!

The last time she was in a boy's bedroom was when her and Sophia had pranked Sophia's brother by taping pictures of Nicholas Cage's face everywhere. Inside CD cases. In his bookbag. Under his pillow. She had taped so many pictures by the end of the night, she dreamed about Nicholas Cage. It might have been more of a nightmare now that she looked back on it.

But Nicholas Cage's face was the last thing on her mind now. She watched as Leo strolled about his room, gathering various art supplies. The boy really liked to paint.

If Macy thought the paintings in the school hallway were a window into Leo's soul, his bedroom was the heart. Abstract portraits scattered alongside landscape that looked like Van Gogh painted it. Though, Macy didn't really know what Van Gogh painted. Was it Renaissance Era? Didn't he paint the Mona Lisa?

Besides the point. Macy would've easily dropped a few thousand for one of Leo's paintings. Though she was still in high school, so all her pocket could afford were a few quarters and a five dollar bill. Not nearly what they deserved.

"We haven't really covered shading yet, so I thought I would at least introduce you to the technique."

Macy peeled her eyes away from his bedroom walls and towards where an easel and blank canvas were set up. At first she was worried that there was no tarp underneath the easel, but then she noticed the paint already stained onto the floor as if it came that way.

Once again, Macy and Leo assumed their comfortable positions near each other at the canvas. Whenever Macy's hand was too heavy, Leo would show her how to stroke lighter. When deciding which colors to use, Leo would mix some up for her on the palette. They could notably be the best team in the painting industry.

Macy was so focused on the canvas, she didn't even notice as Leo watched her paint, biting her lip in concentration as she steadied her hand. As much as she liked photography, it never really challenged her like this did. It was an addicting struggle.

Macy, not being able to focus for any longer, placed the paintbrush on the easel. "Where's your restroom?"

"Second door down the hall to the right." Leo responded from the bed where he was tapping away on his phone.

Once again, Macy had to remind herself that she had to pee. She couldn't be bothered staring at Leo as he laid on his bed, no matter how comfy and snug his sweatpants fit him.

What is it with guys and sweatpants? I mean, he was hot in his regular jeans and t-shirt, then he had to pull the sweatpants out, and I wonder what his morning voice sounds—

As Macy got flustered in her thoughts, she realized that the second door to the right was definitely not the bathroom.

The Macy Lane from yesterday would've left the private study immediately. Abandoned houses were one thing, but this room she stumbled upon seemed too personal.

But this was Macy Lane of today. The one who boys brought home. The one who hung out in boys bedrooms.

Quietly, she tiptoed into the study.

Bibles. Holy Catechism.

Nothing really caught her attention. Everything was exactly how you would imagine a priest's office would be. She started on her way out to actually find the bathroom.

That was, until on a side table by a chair she saw a familiar symbol. Now, Macy wasn't religious and definitely by far not spiritual, but she knew this star looked familiar. Upside down star. That was bad, right?

Adjusting the book to her view, she saw the title. "The Art of Summoning and Binding", Macy read the title aloud. Now, she reminded herself, she knew nothing about demons, angels, or church. This was her first time in a church, much less a pastor's study.

Something just didn't sit right.

"Can I help you?"

Macy jumped, knocking over a light fixture next to her. Grasping to catch it, the light tumbled out of her reach. Thankfully, it landed on the plush couch.

"I-I'm sorry. I was looking for the bathroom."

"Usually a bathroom is adjacent to the hallway."

What happened to troublemaker Macy? The one who wasn't afraid of snooping. She was gone as the middle aged priest watched her disgracefully.

"Macy?" Leo appeared behind the priest in the doorway. "I thought I told you two doors down to the left."

"Leo, you didn't tell me you were having your girlfriend over."

Macy sputtered, momentarily choking on her own spit. As much as the priest gave her weird vibes, she could cheer him on for his rationalized observation.

"Macy's my painting friend. I brought her here to show her a little more technique."

Macy should've been nervous getting in between the two as they held a mini staring contest. The only thing she could think of was the feeling of distraught as Leo corrected their relationship to "friends". It was a nice thought while it lasted.

"It's getting dark outside. I'm sure she should be heading home."

Without a word, Leo placed his hand on the small of back and ushered me out of the room in front of him. The small gesture negated the entire last half of that conversation. She wasn't sure if that was a friendly gesture, but it felt like if passion were an actual element that sent chills throughout all the bones in her body.

"I don't think he likes me." She tried to bring her mind back down to earth. And ignoring the warm hand that was still on her back.

"Don't worry. It's me he doesn't like."

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