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Thunder crashed like falling trees in the distance. Hills rose and disappeared behind one another. Drops of cold rain broke through the heavy summer air, falling to land on the ground.

A young white she-wolf pricked her ears, listening for any abnormal sounds. She sniffed the air, but could only smell the moisture of the rain. With a shake, she padded on, ducking under branches or squeezing through a patch of fang-like thorns, leaving tufts of her silky fur still clinging to the points. Her paw-steps were light, weightless. The giddiness in her head growing with each step as she brought herself closer. Excitement tingled in her paws, causing her tail to tail wag in impatience.

Lightning lit up the forest, bringing the place to life for a brief second before flickering back to an eerie blackness. Shadows shifted and moved along the formation of the forest.

The she-wolf flinched at the thunder roaring. Her tail tucked between her legs, she crept along, afraid of being caught, especially at this time of night.

The moon was wanting to break through the thick dark clouds. But it failed over and over again. A night filled with fear, darkness. But it would be rewarded with love and care.

The muddy path widened out to a spacious clearing. Trees circled the edges, the center of the place a giant mud hole.

The she-wolf took cover under the trees, curling herself into a tight ball while staring out, biting her lip nervously.

Is this rainy trip even worth it?

Her patience was beginning to thin out as the time wore on. She was almost asleep, but a flurry of steps made her lift her ears.

She stood up, her tail thumping in exhilaration.

Out of the opposite side of the clearing, a huge black wolf with a brown underside emerged. His sharp blue eyes standing out in contrast to his dark pelt.

"Zeus!" The female exclaimed and bounded to meet him in the middle.

He welcomed her embrace, resting his chin on her head. They sat, entwined around each other, relishing in the warmth of the presence of the other.

"I'm sorry I was late," Zeus whispered, looking at the female with an apologetic gaze. "It keeps getting harder and harder to sneak away. Now that my parents are suspicious. How much longer can we keep this up, Clover?"

Clover didn't want to think about the what-ifs, but with their time together on the line, it was a problem they couldn't just avoid.

She wouldn't admit it, but even she was having trouble escaping to see him. With her three brothers on her tail about everything, she had to sneak out to see Zeus at night, and could never stay long. Their time together was limited, and she wanted to spend every second with him. But things would never be normal, not after the three-way war those two years ago.

"Nothing can stop me from seeing you." Clover murmured, nestling closer to him. "No matter how hard things get, I will always keep you in mind first."

Zeus looked like he couldn't quite believe her, but didn't argue. "I would do the same for you, but our Packs are so different. They don't interact, don't communicate whatsoever. Just an icy cold between them that won't go away. They truly don't get along, our love is at stake. We are already breaking so many rules."

Clover flattened her ears against her head. "You make it sound like we can't be together..."

Zeus' eyes widened. "No, I'm not saying that!" He stepped closer and brushed a loose strand of fur away from Clover's face. "I'm just trying to imply that we need to be careful. It's dangerous."

Clover arched a brow, a tiny smile tugging at her lips. "I guess that's what makes it so exciting."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now