Chapter 19

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"Where's Ash?"

Clover opened her eyes, yawning as the dim morning light seeped into the den she shared with River.

Although she knew she needed to apologize to him, and the rest of her brothers, she could not find the words. No matter how hard she tried.

River was looking at her, his face curious yet careful. He's been extra cautious ever since she snapped at him.

Guilt made her clench her teeth.

"I don't know." Clover got up and stretched. Might as well get her day started. "He isn't here?"

River shook his head. "Storm last saw him yesterday evening. No one has seen him since."

Clover tried to control the panic rising in her chest. "We need to look for him."

"Storm and I have been looking all morning. His scent disappeared when we got to the border...the border in the direction our mother left."

Clover met his worried eyes. "He went after her." She breathed.

River nodded. "That's what we think."

"Wh-why would he leave without telling us?" Clover demanded.

"Ash was never one to say goodbye. You know that." River swallowed. "I hope he'll be okay."

She curled her lip. "You mean we aren't going after him?"

River just stared at her, his expression sad. "Storm thinks it would be best for the rest of us to stay together."

"Does Tyrant know?"

"Storm told him just a while ago. He wants us to remain calm. Maybe he'll come back by evening."

"This is Ash we're talking about!" She hissed, fear making her lash out. "He won't come back until he's completed his goal! That's how stubborn and stupid he is!"

River flinched. But his eyes never left hers. "I'm sorry, Clover." He sounded hurt like she just struck him across the face.

Clover pushed outside, meeting Storm in the middle.

"Ash is gone." He whispered, looking at his paws.

"So I heard." Clover spat. "Why aren't we doing anything?"

"Didn't River tell you—"

"Yes, but that isn't a good enough excuse!"

Storm's eyes hardened at her tone. "Clover, when the Pack leader tell us what to do, we obey him."

"It's not right!" Clover shrieked, her voice cracking. Tears began sparkling in her eyes. "Does no one care? He's our brother!"

"Clover," Storm moved toward her, but she backed away. "Everything will be okay. Please, calm down and—"

He broke off.

Her tears become full sobs, her body shaking with the rage, frustration, despair, and anxiety she had bottled inside.

A warm comforting nose touched her forehead. Through blurry eyes, she realized River was there, comforting her.

She was angry, yes, but she needed her brother and his tender care. She leaves into his touch and found herself seeking refuge with her face buried in his blue-gray fur. He was whispering softly in her ear, and right there, she knew that no matter how angry she could be, or what she accused him of, he would always be her loyal, kind, and loveable best friend.

"I'm sorry." She replied, shaking uncontrollably. She squeezed her eyes shut. "I'm so sorry, River. I'm sorry I'm such a terrible sister to you. I'm sorry for the things I said to you. I'm sorry I treated you so badly."

River hushed her. "Don't worry about it. I'll always love you, you know."


Clover turned around again, feeling like she was being watched.

"I always wondered what it would be like if my sister were still alive," Ripple commented as he picked his way down a rocky edge, pausing to make sure Clover was behind him.

She was still staring at the shadows beyond. It seemed like they would pounce any second, to swallow her up into the never-ending darkness.

"Hey, Clover?"

She finally looked at him as he said her name in his strange accent. "Yeah?"

"Are you alright?" Ripple was starting behind Clover, scanning the forest at her back. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She eased down the pebbles and stood at his side. "I'm just keeping an eye out."

"For danger?" Ripple nudged her. "We're in our own territory. And Tyrant has scouts posted throughout the forest. We're just fine."

"Mhm." She gazed absentmindedly past him, to the path ahead.

Ripple's smile fell from his face. "Do you want to head back? I understand if you're not in the mood to go night hunting."

"No, I'm fine." Clover smiled at him, attempting to reassure him. Whatever crawling feeling was tracing her spine, seemed to disappear, and she allowed her tense muscles to release at last.

Ripple's ears perked up. "I'm glad. Do you want to go to the river and try to cool off? The nights are starting to get hotter."

Clover nodded. "Yeah, that sounds good. Lead the way."

Ripple set their pace at a steady walk. He observed his surroundings as if he were seeing it for the first time. That was something about him Clover grew to love. His kind and innocent nature. He could easily overpower any wolf in battle, but his friendly personality always got the best of him.

He caught her watching him, and he chuckled. "What are you doing?"

Clover smiled. "Just watching you."

"At least you're honest." He playfully shoved her.

It was easy with Ripple. They were best friends, yet lovers, altogether. She could be herself around him. She would never have to pretend, or be afraid, or try too hard.

Something that Zeus and I never had...Friendship.

It irked her to still think about Zeus. Every now and then her heart would ache for his scent or the sweet memories they made together. Even though it was all a trick. It was toxic, controlling, fake. Their relationship had been built on deceit and dishonesty.

Would it have worked out had Zeus not turned out bad?

That was a question she would forever wonder about. All of the lies aside, would have  the two of them ended up together? If he hadn't been...evil in his mind.

Clover bristled again, glancing anxiously over her shoulder at the woods behind her. She ignored Ripple's voice and concentrated on the darkness.

There was an eerie stillness about it that seemed to echo to Clover's ears. She couldn't help but feeling like there was a much greater danger in her own territory, where she should feel safe.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2021 ⏰

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