Chapter 7

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Misty ignored the hungry growling coming from her stomach. The night had been a long one. She and Cayden haven't spoken a word to each other since the day before when she reluctantly agreed to bring him along.

Cayden didn't bother her in any way. But his presence somehow got under her skin. Like he thought she couldn't do this alone. It felt strange, almost as if he wanted to protect her. But Misty didn't need protection. She was capable of killing many creatures in tons of different ways. How else did she become one of Flame Woods Pack's greatest warriors? And at such a young age?

Cayden walked ahead of her, leading the way since he knew this forest better than her. Although Misty knew she could find her way on her own, he had insisted on taking the lead.

The only sound was their scuffling paw steps and easy breathing. Misty's mind wandered back home, where her pups were safe and sound. She didn't want them out here, where danger lurked at every turn. They were too young, too inexperienced to go on such a dangerous mission. She wanted to keep them as far away from it as possible. At home, they would be surrounded by their Packmates, and that alone was a relief to Misty.

The clouds in the sky broke to reveal a few bright stars. A refreshing breeze ruffled the grass and leaves all around them. Pale, milky light wafted down from in between the clouds. The light touched Misty's white fur, turning to a shimmering glow. She glanced at Cayden, his pelt turned silver and came to realize they had stopped.

Cayden was twitching his ears to and fro. His face held a focused expression. Misty stood at his shoulder, taking in the silvery bathed valley below. Hills rose and fell, their feathery grass waving calmly. Nothing but that as far as the eye could see.

Misty side-glanced at Cayden. "Why'd you stop?"

The gray wolf took a deep breath. "Everything beyond this point is unknown. After this, instinct is all we can rely on." He stared her dead in the eye. "Before we go any further, are you sure we're going the right way?"

Misty looked across the peaceful valley. Beyond it, everything is new, risky. There would be no turning back. No do-overs. This was her make or break moment.

But she knew deep in her heart, that this was the right way to go. Rascal was leading her. And she wouldn't fail him.

A single star twinkled in the right direction. Misty smiled softly, knowing her mate was walking with her every step of the way.

They were going exactly where they needed to.

Confident, Misty nodded. "I'm positive."


The moon was starting to go down. And the sun was starting to rise, meaning that it was almost time to find a place to spend the night.

It had taken Misty and Cayden the rest of the day to cross the valley. They crested the final hill and surveyed the dark, dreary land ahead.

Threats loomed in every shadow, every sliver of darkness. The unknown was ahead. Misty braced herself for anything. Life wouldn't be the same after this journey.

The forest was shadowed by mountains on either side, their peaks falling with shadow on the eerie woods. The ground was soft under paw. Soft and oozy, sticking to the bottom of their paws.

Misty ignored the unpleasant feeling and moved to the front. Lizards skittered under dead logs and rocks. Out of the corner of her eye, Misty could see a pair of gleaming snake eyes in the looming darkness.

Even with the sun coming up, it's clear that this place has never been touched by the sun. Night lived forever here.

Three years...

It's been three years since the Three-Way War, three years since she had birthed four beautiful pups, three years since she had lost her mate...

Yet it all felt like it had happened yesterday. That was maybe the strangest part.

Has Rascal really been gone for three years? How has she manged her grief all this time?

She remembered everything about that day. The carefully thought out plans. The way the undergrowth brushed her fur as she crept through the woods. The feeling of flesh ripping in her claws...

All of the blood spilled that day was unnecessary. Especially the innocents' blood.

But that would soon be put to rest the second she could sink her fangs into Mystique's throat, and end her suffering forever.

Misty was jerked from her thoughts when Cayden literally jerked her out of the way of a falling, rotten tree limb.

She shook her head to clear it.

Cayden looked at her with an annoyed expression. "Don't let your mind wander out here. It's dangerous."

Misty stared straight ahead as they walked.

Cayden was stupid enough to pry a question. "What's this mission all about anyway?"

"Revenge." And that was all she had to say. It should have been simple enough. But not for Cayden.

"Why? Don't you think you're getting a little old to be getting revenge?"

Misty growled, her fur threatening to bristle. "I'm younger than you."

"Not by much."

Misty clenched her jaw and picked up the pace, keeping an eye out for a dry place to sleep.

There was a long, tense silence. Until Cayden sighed, shaking his head.

"I wanted revenge too." He whispered, but Misty wasn't really listening. "When my mate died, I wanted nothing more than to avenge her."

That got her attention. She glanced at him, feeling sympathy beginning to well up.

"She was murdered by a strange newcomer and her little group." Cayden shuddered, remembering that night. "My mate, Crystal, and I were out one evening, on a walk. She loved taking walks and seeing everything. Because she was deaf, she wanted to see the world with her eyes. It was perfect. Watching her look at the world every day as if she were a newborn pup opening her eyes for the first time.

"We were stopped by a she-wolf. A curious-looking creature, with one amber eye and one blue eye." Cayden gulped, and Misty felt her blood run cold. "She told us her name was Constance, and wanted our land, stating her business plainly. Since there were no other wolves around, we never had to worry about our land being taken. But I told her that we wouldn't be leaving, that the territory was ours. Without a word, she flicked her tail and ordered her followers to kill us. We tried to run but...they got us both down. I was severely wounded, and well, Crystal didn't...make it." The last part was a shaky breath. Cayden looked at his paws. "That's where I got all of these scars. I buried her the next morning. And, I've lived alone ever since."

Misty sucked in a breath. "Describe the wolf that killed your mate again."

Cayden momentarily looked confused. "She had an amber eye and a blue eye. A red and white dappled pelt. She was lean and graceful, but something about her felt off the second I saw her."

Misty tried to keep her emotions in check. She searched Cayden's eyes for more answers. "She said her name was Constance?"

Cayden nodded, becoming more confused by the second.

New information was stirring up Misty's mind.

Mystique murdered Cayden's mate. Mystique murdered Rascal.

She has been using fake names, keeping her true identity a secret. With everyone she has ever killed, she changes her name. So she won't be found.

Cayden tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

Misty blinked, shaking her head slowly. "She has fake identities. To keep herself safe from the world. This won't be easy."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now