Chapter 13

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"Run away with me, Clover," Zeus whispered. Their foreheads touching.

Clover sighed and closed her eyes. He's asked her to leave with him quite often now. Of course, she wanted to be with him, more than anything. But her gut instincts told her to stick with her brothers. At least, until their mother returned.

She hasn't given him a straight answer. Even though she knew that she needed to give him a response, she couldn't bring herself to for whatever reason. All she's ever wanted was to be with him. Now that she had that opportunity ringing loud and clear, she couldn't bring herself to take it.


She furiously kept asking herself that question. It felt like she was being pulled in two different ways.

On one paw, she loved her brothers. More than anything. They were her best friends. They always had her back. No one has believed in her quite like them.

But on the other, the love of her life was nothing but kind and compassionate toward her. Zeus understood her more than anyone. Both of his parents were dead, and he was extremely close to his sister. He's lost so much but remained grateful for the wonderful things he had in his life. Clover was just drawn to him in a way that she couldn't explain.

Clover stumbled for words. She tried, but they wouldn't come out. Her thoughts were running wild, and she prayed that he could see the torn look swimming in her eyes.

Zeus's face softened. He stroked her back with his tail. "I understand, Clover. And I'm not angry."

Her ears perked up at his words. "Really?"

He nodded. "I promise. I have to admit," he shuffled his paws nervously. "I was scared to ask you. Because I was certain you would say no."

"But I never gave you an answer." She shook her head. "Aren't you irritated? Am I too annoying? Do you still love me?"

Zeus's expression fell at those questions. He pulled her closer to him. His face was shocked and confused. "Why would you doubt the strength of our love, Clover?"

She blinked, staring down at her paws.

"I could never be irritated at you. You are never annoying. And I will always love you. You are my everything. Nothing could change that." Zeus finished.

Clover's shoulders sagged in relief. All of the doubts on her mind melted away like ice in warm weather. It was silly of her to doubt Zeus. He was everything to her. No one has ever made her feel the way she does about him. She never knew she could feel so safe and loved, until she met Zeus all those months ago.

"I'm sorry," Clover whispered, closing her eyes. "I just can't seem to focus with everything going on."

Zeus nodded understandingly. "Your mother is still gone?"

Clover sighed, trying to ignore the anxiety rising in her chest. One day, she finally spilled everything out to Zeus. She told him why Misty had left, why she was so bent on revenge. Zeus didn't judge her. He listened with sympathetic ears. No one understood better than him.

"Yes, she is. I... I'm afraid that she won't come back." Clover admitted, looking at her paws.

Zeus pressed his side to hers, resting his tail on her shoulders. "It will be okay. It's just that she's grieving, and feels the need to settle things once and for all. She will be back after this wild chase and realize that all she needs is you and your brothers."

"But do you think she'll kill Mystique?" Clover asked, searching his eyes for an answer, for some reassurance.

His expression was blank. Or guarded. Clover couldn't tell. Maybe he was wearing such a poker face to keep her calm. Maybe he wasn't sure of the answer either and didn't want to worry her.

"I'm sure she will," Zeus whispered. "Try not to worry okay?"

Somehow, his words didn't satisfy her. She hoped to hear something else. Something more certain and positive. Instead, his reply sounded like he was hesitant. As if he couldn't believe his statement himself.

Clover jerked away from him and began heading back to her Pack. She was too angry and scared right now to talk to Zeus. He wasn't helping anyway. He'd only made her mad.

Paw steps thrummed behind her. Zeus stood in front of her, blocking her path. His eyes were confused.

"What's wrong?"

Clover tried to keep her fur flat. "You know what. I'm going home." She tried to move past him, but he reached out a paw and touched her shoulder. She froze at the touch, furious with herself for being easily controlled by Zeus.

"Don't be like that, Clover." Zeus murmured. "I'm only trying to understand you."

Thoughts and what-ifs raced through her mind like stinging bullets. She had so many things to say, but couldn't find her voice to speak for her. All she could do was glare at him while he stared back at her with his pleading blue eyes.

"Clover, you're getting upset about things that might not even happen." He said. "You're getting worked up all for nothing."

Finally, she snapped.

"All for nothing?" Clover's voice rose an octave. She marched right up to him and straightened her posture so that they were nose to nose.

He flinched at her suddenness.

She hardened her glare. If looks could kill, Zeus would be dead right now. "Don't you understand that my mother might die!? That my only parent left might not make it home to me and my brothers!? My mother means everything to me, Zeus! Don't you dare say that I'm worrying 'all for nothing'. You can't wrap your head around that fact. Heck, you didn't even know your parents!"

At that, Zeus's pleasing face screwed up into fury. He forced Clover back a few steps, but she didn't break her glare. She wasn't afraid of him.

"My parents are dead. Because yours killed them!" He roared, breathing heavily. "I've lived my whole life without them, all because of the famous "Rascal and Misty" that saved the forest from my Pack! They killed them! I was raised by a she-wolf that didn't even want me! The only wolf that's ever truly been beside me is my sister!"

Clover swallowed, her throat closing up on her.

My parents killed his...?

Clover remembered her mother coming home, covered in blood and scratches. Bruises and disheveled fur. But she looked relieved, happy to see her pups. Telling them stories about how she finally killed the ruthless wolf, Diablo.

And another time, when Misty killed a wolf named Mona...

Zeus's parents...

Clover shook her head in denial. She didn't want to believe it. She wanted to believe that she and Zeus had a happy relationship. That the events of the past were nothing but dust.

"You're lying..."

Zeus tilted his head, his eyes softening, but only a little. "I'm not lying, Clover. I...I always knew, but I didn't know if you had known."

Clover's heart picked up, beating in a panic against her chest. She looked at Zeus, tears in her eyes. Suddenly, she was angry at her mother and father. For causing such bad blood between their families. For starting a battle that would forever be wedged between Clover and Zeus.

"I'm so sorry," Clover whispered, letting a few tears fall. Guilt overwhelmed her. She tried blinking back her emotions, but she couldn't help letting them flow. "I'm sorry, Zeus."

She stumbled forward and buried her face in his fur. He embraced her back, holding her so right that she never wanted to let go.

"I'm sorry too," Zeus replied lowly. He licked her forehead. "I lost my temper and let my anger control me. I didn't mean to make you cry."

Clover sniffed and blinked again. Her mind continued flying away with her worries and doubts, but she didn't voice them to Zeus. She didn't want to make him angry again.

Instead, she nestled deeper and breathed out a sigh. "I love you, Zeus."

"I love you too, Clover."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ