Chapter 10

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Once again, the night settled in.

Misty and Cayden were on the move. They padded in silence, which Misty was grateful for. She needed the quiet to think.

Mystique has killed other wolves. Under different names. She kept her true identity a secret, in fear of being caught. It was clever but psychotic. Why was she killing innocent wolves? How deep was the hate in her heart? What made her turn evil?

Misty clenched her jaw. It would be harder to track the killer down. But surely someone has seen her, surely knows her.

The forest was edgy, cold. Endless shadows stretched in every direction. Pale, ghostly light cast illusions across the floor. The wind was a strange kind of chilly. Abnormally, it didn't feel like spring at all.

The life was non-existent in this hopeless pit. Part of Misty longed to see the sun, to gaze into the blue sky forever. But the other half of her, the darker side, wanted to remain in this place. Wanted to welcome the evil and revenge and hate she was feeling.

She could feel it growing stronger every day. The vengeance demanding to be let out on someone, something. The reasons why she was bitter and miserable built one on top of the other. Her whole life has been a test. One giant obstacle. An endless judgment to see whether or not she was fit to live in this cruel world.

Life has tested her time and again. So much hurt, so much pain. Too much loss. Everything nearest and dearest to her had been ripped away, taken from her. Life wanted her to suffer. It wanted her to give up, to surrender and yell out just how much she wanted to die.

She did want to die.

But she wouldn't, she wouldn't be satisfied until she killed Mystique, and ended this mess once and for all.

Misty flinched when Cayden's tail draped across her shoulders as a warning. She opened her jaws to protest, but he prodded her and jerked his head toward something laying in a rut only a few strides away.

They shared a glance, then bounded over to it. The stench was horrendous. Flies engulfed the rotting body. Misty almost didn't recognize the body of a wolf. A young one, just about the age of her own offspring.

Scratches told them that this creature was tortured in unimaginable ways.

Misty's eyes followed the scrapes and wounds until they led up to the throat, where there was a giant ring around its neck. A thick vine snaked too tightly around the wolf's throat.

Whoever had done this, made this wolf suffocate. They spent their last moments in pain, gasping for air, clinging to life in any way possible.

Cayden leaned forward and sniffed it, pulling back abruptly at the smell. "This wolf has been dead, but not for long. I'd say it's been at least a week."

Misty tried not to shudder when she noticed the thorns jammed into the lifeless pads. "This is plain torture. Only one creature would do overkill like this."

Cayden swallowed hard and stepped back. "Mystique." He shook his head. "But, the body doesn't have her scent on it. It's been a long time since I've met her face to face, but I'll never forget the smell of death and rotting flesh she carried with her. Even this stench is nothing compared to hers."

A chill ran down Misty's spine. This young one could have been any of her pups. She began trembling, her mind running away with thoughts of them being tortured, cut, suffocated in horrible ways.

Misty couldn't control her trembling. She's never been more anxious in her life. She prayed that her pups were safe and sound.

Cayden noticed how badly she was shaking. "Are you okay?"

Misty nodded and gulped. "Fine."

Cayden looked like he was about to protest, but didn't. Instead, he poked the body again. "She must be close."

"Too close."

"Then we must be going the right way."

Misty couldn't understand it. "But it's been three years since she was exiled. And it's only taken us a couple of weeks to reach this point. Why is she doubling back?"

Cayden looked just as confused as Misty felt. "Who knows? She might be trying to scare the wolves that live around here. If there are any left."

"No one could understand her mind," Misty replied with a lingering thought.

No one except me...

She shook her head. "What do we do with this body? We can't just leave it here."

"Don't move it."

Misty and Cayden jumped at the scratchy voice. They shared an uneasy look, afraid to turn around.

Misty turned first, bravely keeping her face calm and under control.

The wolf that stood before them was a scraggly thing. Hip bones jutting out, one was crooked. Fur that stuck out at all angles. Wild, unseeing eyes that bobbed whenever its head turned. This wolf looked even older than Tyrant!

It hobbled forward, the hip bone bouncing out of place.

Misty tried not to look alarmed. "Why?"

The wolf stopped. "Predators always come back for their kill."

Misty couldn't tell if the wolf was male or female. It's appearance looked raggedy. But the voice was somehow feminine, yet scratchy with a whistle.

"I'm a female, in case you can't tell." The wolf easily read Misty's mind. "I'm used to it."

Cayden flattened his ears. "What do you want?"

"No, the question is what do you want?" Her creepy eyes burning into their souls. "Why are you here?"

Cayden whispered in Misty's ear. "I don't know which eye to look at when she's talking."

Misty muttered agreement. She straightened up and looked at the old wolf. "I'll keep it simple: we're here for revenge."


"Yes, we need to settle a mess. Do you happen to know a wolf called–"

"I do." She rasped, not even letting Misty finish. "A creature in which it's evil has no beginning and no end. A creature that only carries bitterness and hate in her heart. I know her." She paused and looked at Misty and Cayden. "Because I'm the one who birthed her."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon