Chapter 11

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River went to sleep one night with a troubled mind. He couldn't believe his sister...

This whole time, she's been seeing Zeus in secret. No wonder she was always tired or made excuses so she didn't have to do her duties. Now that he knew, she asked him almost every time to cover her spot on a hunt or scouting group. Reluctantly, he always said yes.

Clover made him promise not to tell anyone. But it was so hard. The four siblings shared everything with each other. Keeping this secret left a bad taste in River's mouth. It felt wrong.

He wanted to tell Storm and Ash all of it. He longed to tell someone so that the pressure no longer would be weighing on his shoulders.

On top of that, he didn't trust Zeus. Not at all. The wolf seemed mysterious in ways that River couldn't pinpoint. He was like the young wolf of the Pack that attracted the she-wolves with his charming looks. She-wolves young and old.

Zeus isn't exactly friendly or trustworthy at all. River has met him a few times at the border during Pack disagreements. Each time, he looked like he wanted to rip out River's throat.

The Red Fang wolf was large and intimidating. River would never want to face him alone.

He couldn't understand it. Clover was blinded by love to see the warning signs. Although he really wanted to warn her, he didn't have the heart to hurt his sister that way.

Things would only get harder.


The next morning was bright and happy. Sunshine spilled down on the forest. Wolves took turns bathing in its warmth.

Swift and Asa, the two that had been in a horrible hunting accident, enjoyed the rays the most. Swift healed in the blink of an eye. But managed to wrench his shoulder after a previous hunt. Once again, he was on bed rest. Blossom ordered him to stay put. And he didn't disobey his mother. Asa's paw was still sore, but she managed to get around well.

River found himself looking at Asa. She was beautiful. Her light gray coat catching the sun perfectly, her mismatched eyes closed peacefully as she absorbed the sunshine.

He couldn't help that he thought Asa was the cutest she-wolf he's ever seen.

"Ooh, nice view."

River jumped. He was caught off guard as Ash sat at his shoulder, looking back and forth between River and Asa with an amused look on his face.

River's cheeks flamed up. "Be quiet, Ash. I don't want to disturb her."

"You mean you don't want her to hear," Ash smirked deviously.

River flattened his ears and glared at his brother. He sputtered, but couldn't find the words to yell at him.

Ash snorted triumphantly. He nudged River roughly with his shoulder, nearly knocking him off his paws. "Come on, Riv. You can't deny that you like her. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole Pack knew."

River began to panic. "What!?"

Ash laughed, slapping the ground with his paw. "I'm kidding! No one knows except me, Storm, and Clover."

"Don't scare me like that." River felt the tension leave his body. "It's not funny either. Quit laughing!"

"What's so funny?"

During their banter, Asa limped over and sat a few paw steps away from them. She blinked her eyes curiously.

River swallowed. Ash snickered, looking back and forth between them with amusement flashing in his eyes.

Asa blinked at them expectantly.

River's heart picked up pace. His eyes widened as they met hers. He found himself being pulled into a strange trance, forgetting her question.

Luckily, Ash was there to save him.

He lazily leaned on River's shoulder. "Oh, we were just talking about the time Clover tried to run up a tree to catch a squirrel. It was stupid, really. She was boneheaded enough to try it."

Asa chuckled. Soft and sweet. Music to River's ears. He wanted to say something. Anything to her. But his tongue twisted up, and all he could do was give her a shy smile.

She returned it, brighter, more confident than his. He wished he had her confidence. Maybe that's what made her so attractive to him.

"Are you feeling better?" Ash asked.

Asa nodded and bounced lightly on her feet, showing off how well she was healing. "Much better! I can put weight on it without it hurting! See?" She pranced around and looked happy with herself.

"That's great!" Ash nodded.

"I'm glad." River whispered.

Asa must have heard him because she looked in his direction, her face melting into appreciation.

River shuffled his paws anxiously.

Ash coughed. "This is awkward."

River shook his head. "Uh, yeah, feel better soon."

"I will." She gave one final grin before returning to her spot in the sun next to Swift.

River let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

Ash rolled his eyes. "You could have said more to her."

"I know, I just don't know what to say. I'm awkward." He mumbled.

"Yes you are, but you can work on your confidence so that you aren't afraid to talk to her." The red wolf suggested. It sounded more like an order.

"No, that's dumb. I'd rather stay quiet, and if she likes me, then that would be great! But if not, then I won't waste my time."

"Quit being stupid," Ash said. "You'll never know she likes you unless you try to get to her attention."

The thought of having any form of attention on himself made River's stomach turn. "N-no. I don't want to try."

He couldn't bring himself to tell Ash, but deep down, he didn't want to express any feelings toward Asa in fear of being rejected. He would never get over something like that.

Ash shrugged. "Fine. But don't say that I didn't try to help." He trotted off to talk to some of the older wolves.

River sighed, glaring at the ground through watery eyes. He was frustrated with himself. Why did he have to be so afraid of everything? Why couldn't he find the right words to say to Asa? What would life be like if he were more confident in himself and his choices? How come his insecurities always got in the way of everything?

River wished things were different. He wanted to feel good about himself. His siblings were all better looking than him. And they had loveable personalities. So what was wrong with him?

He was bland and quiet.
Not a lot to say.
More of a listener, not a talker.
Always afraid of what everyone thinks of him.
Not brave enough to speak his mind.
Clings close to his siblings and mother, no one else.

River let a tear slide quietly down his face. He didn't make a sound.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon