Chapter 6

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Stalking low in the grass, Ash shifted quietly among the waving strands. Next to him, Swift flattened his ears against his head.

"How long do we have to wait here?" Ash whispered impatiently. "The others left ages ago."

Despite the events of the previous hunting accident, Swift healed very quickly and was ready to be back on his feet in no time.

Swift kept his eyes focused ahead. So deep in thought that Ash wasn't sure he has quite heard him. "It shouldn't be much longer. Besides, herding coyotes isn't easy."

The Pack has been having trouble with a group of irritating coyotes that followed them after every hunt, attempting to take their fresh kill. Tyrant has had enough of it and ordered for his most imposing wolves to drive them away.

Now, crouching in the itchy grass, in an uncomfortable position was getting a little old for Ash. He wished he had been on the stalking side of the ambush. Not the lie-in-wait-and-just-listen orders.

Somehow, Swift was patient, ears pricked for the sounds of approaching paws, eyes scanning the area back and forth on repeat.

The silence dragged on for far too long. Wind whistling and a clear blue sky were the signs of perfect weather. Not too hot, not too cold. It was perfect. But it was hard to enjoy it all when you were expecting a gang of wolves and coyotes to roll around the corner at any given moment.

Ash muttered to himself, annoyed that every little thing was making him even more irritated.

"Aren't you getting impatient?" Ash whispered too loudly.

Swift glanced at Ash, but only for a second. "Why? We haven't had excitement around here in a long time."

"Psh." Ash rolled his eyes.

"Not since the Three-Way War and your father di–" Swift was smart enough not to finish that sentence.

Ash's fur bristled. He curled his claws into the soft soil beneath his paws. It wasn't easy, but the temptation to strike his cousin was so strong. Wolves by now were beginning to realize that it wasn't a good idea to bring up Rascal's death. The only ones he ever talked about that with, were his siblings and his mother. His temper was a hard thing to control, but he found it easier to manage when he was near the ones he loved most.

At least his brothers and sister didn't pry him when he was angry.

Swift's eyes fogged with regret. "Ash, I didn't mean to..."

"Whatever." The red wolf snarled under his breath.

"I'm sorry..."

"Just forget it."

A moment or two later, they heard the thumping steps of wolves and the skittering ones of coyotes. Through the fronds of green grass, they could see the wolves. In front of them, four coyotes sprinted, whining and crying out their terror.

Closer they came. Ash tensed his muscles, ready to jump up and run those intruders back over the border where they belonged. He waited for Swift's signal, and once it was given, they sprang out and spooked the coyotes.

They shrieked and swerved, almost running into the ferocious wolves. Ash and Swift dan at their heels, nipping and hissing all the way to the border. The coyotes crossed the border in a panicked craze, crashing through some foliage and disappearing from sight.

Panting, Ash turned and shared a triumphant gaze with his Packmates. Isaac's single brown eye gleamed. Frost and Melody nodded satisfactorily. Silvi looked as excited as ever, chasing away creatures that were bigger than her.

"Well done." Isaac praised, nodding at each of his Packmates in turn. "Now, let's report back–"

The second-in-command was interrupted when a bloody coyote body was tossed in front of them. It had been mauled, the remains of its body scraps and things Ash didn't want to see.

Nine Red Fang wolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes glaring menacingly at the Flame Woods wolves.

Fury, the second-in-command, was in the lead. Miles, Boomer, Iris, Rogue, Scar, Flicker, and two young wolves Ash has never seen before, fanned out in formation.

One was a huge male with black fur, a brown underbelly, and legs. But what stood out most was his sharp, aggressive blue eyes.

Next to him, a smaller, lean she-wolf stood about a few inches shorter. Her pelt was pure black and sleek, not a hair out of place. She had bright amber eyes, and Ash noticed how much the two resembled each other, coming to the conclusion that they are siblings. 

Isaac instantly turned to Silvi. She froze under his uneven gaze.

"Run back to camp and tell Tyrant we might need backup. Hurry!"

Silvi's bright eyes widened. She turned and ran like she had never run before.

Ash could feel Swift come to stand beside him. His Packmates all tense and lining up beside their second-in-command without a word.

Fury stepped forward and poked the coyote's body. "You ran coyotes over on our side of the border." He explained neutrally. Not a trace of anger in his expression or voice.

But his wolves looked absolutely ready to tear the Flame Woods Pack apart.

Isaac lifted his chin. "Yes, we did."

"Don't you know we have made our home on this side of the border?" It was a question without emotion.

"We protect our Packmates first," Isaac answered blandly. "It isn't our duty to cater to the other Packs."

Fury finally had anger cross his face. "It's petty of you to do it anyway. We should be helping wolves thrive, not kick each other down."

Ash growled. Swift bristled beside him.

The young black she-wolf was glaring at Ash, clear disgust in her face. He looked her up and down, not thinking much of her either. How can he tick her off without drawing the attention of the wolves in charge?

He didn't want to push his luck, so he simply winked at her. His looks were something that the she-wolves–young and old–all flocked over. Ash knew he could work his way out of everything with a simple charming look.

But, the she-wolf in front of him, who he just learned is named Dusk, flattened her ears and looked ready to fight him.

Pawsteps thumping drew his attention. Tyrant, Thorn, Alusia, and Storm all came bounding down the side of the hill.

Tyrant pushed his way to the front and faced Fury, gazing over the Red Fang wolves. "This is over. What happened was just a misunderstanding."

Isaac's ears perked up in shock. "Tyrant–"

"We'll leave it at that." The alpha concluded. "Go your way and we will go ours."

Tyrant turned his back on them, and slowly but surely, they all crawled back into their lonely shadows.

Isaac opened his mouth to protest, but Tyrant once again cut him off.

"We don't need trouble. Not after everything that has happened."

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now