Chapter 5

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Another stormy day slowed Misty down. Her efforts to fight the wind and rain were feeble. She needed to find shelter, but the trees and forest have been long gone. Not a place to shelter. So, she ducked her head and squinted through the rain.

Soaked from head to tail, she tried not to succumb to laying down and waiting the storm out. She would die if she stopped now.

Lightning flickered across the dark gray sky, causing the hills and valleys to light up in the gloom.

Misty tried to shake away the water in her eyes. But it was pointless. With the whipping rain and howling wind, she was amidst one of the worst weather tantrums she's ever seen.

Fur plastered to her sides, she sat back on her haunches, closed eyes, head toward the sky. The rain came down, cascading along with the features of her face. She spat out the water that made its way into her mouth.

All of a sudden, Misty thought of a warm summer day, and couldn't stop herself from laying down, closing her tired eyes.


When she opened her eyes, Misty was met with a pair of gray paws. She realized she wasn't laying out in the middle of a vast nothing, but in a warm, cozy den.

Jumping up, she flattened her ears defensively and curled her lip, ready to take on a fight.

The strange wolf turned, a blank look on his face. "You're awake. Good to know, I thought you were dead."

"Where am I?" Misty demanded.

The gray wolf peered outside, observing the drenched land. "That was a wild storm."

"Where am I?" She repeated through gritted teeth.

Once her eyes focused, she could clearly see the stranger in front of her. He was a few inches taller than her, with silky gray fur and mysterious dark brown eyes. He looked about her age. Scars crossed his body, and a torn ear told a story of its own.

"I brought you back to my place." He was void of emotion. "I found you in the Barren Valley. There are no trees or shelter there. So I decided to help you out, dry you off, and make sure you were comfortable."

Misty didn't let her guard down. "And who exactly are you?"

"Cayden," He muttered. His ears twitched back in her direction. The only sign he acknowledged her presence. "What is a she-wolf like you doing out here all alone?"

"None of your business." She spat.

"How nice. I ask a simple question, yet you can't answer the wolf that just saved your life."

"I've been through worse."

Much worse.

Cayden snorted. "Sure, I'm certain that's why you're such a salty wolf."

Misty growled, pacing the confined space. "That's only a taste of my personality. You're the one to talk. You haven't shown an ounce of emotion."

Cayden tensed up. Anger was beginning to boil. Misty could feel it.

The gray wolf didn't say anything after that.

Misty hissed to herself before getting up and marching right past Cayden into the new unknown forest.

A beautiful place. Droplets of rain shimmered in the pale evening light, sliding off the green leaves and falling to the muddy ground. Birds tweeted, squirrels chattered. This forest was even calmer than the one at home.

She was so entranced by the new scenery that she yelped when Cayden hooked his claws into her tail and drug her back. He whirled her around so she could face him, inches apart.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Where stories live. Discover now