Chapter 9

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Storm jolted awake. Thunder crashed outside, shaking the forest with a deadly vibration.

His heavy breathing woke Ash. The red wolf rolled over and squinted his tired eyes.

"Do you have to be so loud?"

Storm glared at his brother. "I can't help it, Ash. I can't stop having these nightmares."

Ash sat up, concerned. "Again? How many have you had recently?"

"Five, no, six." Storm corrected himself.

"Gosh Storm." Ash shook his head. "You need to tell someone about this. Do you think Blossom could help you?"

"No. The dreams are about Ma. I have a feeling they're warnings." Storm blinked anxiously. "I'm afraid for her."

"She knows how to protect herself better than any wolf in this forest," Ash reassured. "She's the best of the best."

"I know, I know. But I sense something dangerous. I don't know what. It can't be good." Storm stood up. "I need to get some fresh air."

"Out in this weather?" Ash pressed. "Are you sure?"

"I'm certain. A walk would ease my mind."

"Do you want me to go with you?"

"No, I'll be fine. If I'm not back in a little awhile, you can come to find me."

Storm slipped out before Ash could protest any more. He needed to breathe in the fresh air that came before a storm. His mind was running wild. The what-ifs that threatened to make him question the actions of his mother hung constantly in his thoughts.

The shadows of the trees waved violently in the stormy whirlwind, casting flickers of silver light on the ground. They danced over Storm's pelt. He blended in well with the night.

For a strange reason, ever since he was a pup, storms have always calmed him and eased his nerves. It just seemed peaceful to him. The clouds lighting up with lightning occasionally, wind whistling through the trees, the light air that ruffled his fur and made him want to curl up and sleep. Oddly, it was his way of keeping himself calm.

He let his paws carry him without thinking. The paths that traced the territory were all familiar. He didn't have to see where he was going, he could find his way blind.

Storm prayed that his mother was okay. He knew she was capable of doing just about anything, but that didn't hinder the anxiety that he felt for her.

She wasn't as young as she once was. And ever since their father died, she hasn't been the same since. Quiet, distant, thoughtful. She put on a brave face for Storm and his siblings, but he knew she truly wasn't satisfied. Nor would she be until she killed Mystique, and settled this thing once and for all.

An aggressive growl broke into his thoughts. Storm flicked his ears back and forth in an attempt to pinpoint where it was coming from. He prepared himself to either fight or run.

Then, he saw them. The pair of bright amber eyes that glittered from the never-ending depths of the shadows.

Storm snarled and bristled. He watched the eyes, keeping them in plain sight. They moved closer but never left his gaze. It was so intense, so terrifying.

Lightning flashed. In that brief second, he could make out the shape of a small black she-wolf. A threatening curl of her lips portrayed that she wasn't happy.

Storm flattened his ears.

They began to circle each other. Every step was careful. They planned their strategies in their minds.

She made the first move. With a swift lunge, extending her paws out to knock him over. Storm spun out of the way and rammed his shoulder into her side. She grunted but managed to land on her paws. Storm didn't even have a second to prepare himself for her next move.

She dove toward his legs and swept them out from under his body. He landed painfully on his chin. She snarled and jumped, but Storm lashed out with his back legs and caught her in the stomach. He knocked the breath out of her. Now, she lay on the ground, gasping for breath.

Storm howled when she raked a claw across his face. The force sent him flying against a tree.

The she-wolf pinned him down, her paws on his throat. Storm snapped his jaws, almost catching her snout in the process. She growled, spit foaming in her mouth. Storm, being a lot stronger than her, was able to heave himself up under her weight and flipped them over so he was on top, and she was on the bottom.

Her aggressive, yet feeble attempts to free herself, were no match for Storm's years of impressive training, thanks to his mother.

"Calm down." Storm batted her paws away. "I wasn't even trying to attack you. Can't a wolf just take a walk without being ambushed?"

She hissed curses under her breath. Finally, she gave up and let him win. But the tone in her voice was as intimidating as ever.

"You are on my territory." Her voice was feathery, cold and quiet. Like a breeze on icy water.

Storm frowned. "Huh?"

"Red Fang Pack's territory? You crossed the border, you blind bat."

Storm blinked stupidly. He now realized he had wandered over the border while he was deep in thought.

"Sorry." He stood up and shook his pelt out. "I didn't mean any harm. I'm Storm."

The she-wolf stood up. Lightning flickered, the look on her face told him that she wasn't impressed. "Dusk." Was all she said.

Storm noticed how lean and slender she was. She must be a quick runner.

"Really, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." He persisted.

Dusk loosened up a little. She flattened her fur and lifted her ears. "You're not all to blame. I attacked you without an explanation."

Storm let out a breath. He was glad he could escape the tension. " I'll get back over the border." He could feel her gaze on him as he crossed the line that divided the land.

He turned to see that she was indeed watching him. She came right up to the edge of the border, as close as she dared. She looked right into Storm's eyes, a mesmerizing glint in her gaze.

"You know, you have nice eyes."

Storm didn't expect to be flustered by her compliment. He laughed awkwardly and kept glancing between her and the ground. "Thanks."

"I'm being serious." Dusk's lips curled into a cute smile. "They're beautiful."

Storm rolled his eyes and met her gaze. Little did he know, that the movement made Dusk's heart flutter.

A Wolf's Tale (Book #4) Storm Of Vengeance Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz