Part 16 (1)

37 5 17

(Next day)



It's the first day of art festival in their college. Aleah named their group EMA stands for Emon, Aleah & Myungsoo. They were really tensed because they thought puppet show is nothing compared to other shows and People only pay attention to things which make their heart flutter and eyes shine. Like fashion show, Music & Dance shows,.

They just wanted to convey people their messages through a cute but meaningful way. Puppet play was done by Emon and she believed that there would be someone out there who understands this.

"Team AMA please report!"

"Announced!!! Come let's go guys." - Myungsoo said

They reached out to the stage quickly for setting up everything.


"Let's get started"- Said Emon.

(The idea lit up on her head a few days ago. It's a cute story about true love but it ain't a cliche story, it's something different.

"It's a story about a sunflower who loved the sun. She managed to look up everyday just to see him. She smiled at him everyday , shared her secret scent through the wind for him, and eventually he fell in love with her. She bend her stem as he moves through the sky and bowed her face down at night without knowing there's someone out there who loved her soul and protected her during the nights. It's no one other than moon, even on his dark phases he told some starts to put lights on her. But she didn't know. Finally the sun went to know about moon and misunderstood the sunflower. He thought she's cheating on him and burned her with his powerful rays. The moon cried. The stars twinkled , Her ash started to glow in the dark and the wind handed it to the moon. He mixed her ash with moondust and cried again, which gave arises to the snowflakes containing a little bit of moondust, lil bit of sunflower's Ash and a lot of love.

The people got up from their seats when the show ended and they gave EMA a huge round of applause. Some of them were crying.

(Emon's POV)

It's the first time I'm in a stage. And the audience they are impressed with our work. Tears started to fall when they gave us a standing ovation. It's just a small performance but people was like they got what they're looking for. I could read it from their faces... "fulfilled" I closed my eyes.

(Author's POV)

They got these kinda reaction only because of their talents. They successfully presented their show, satisfying the audience. They just wanted anyone to watch their program ends up getting a huge round of applause. It's 100% entertaining.

Three of them came out to the front stage quickly and bowed together. They're crying with happiness.


(After an hour)

(Scene 1)

"Best special performance award goes to AMA" - The coordinator announced AMA as the winners. They received the trophy from the principal.

"Hooray!!!" - Myungsoo started to spin and crawl on the floor.

"We got what we deserved" - Aleah hugged Emon.

Emon: "we did it" - she closed her eyes by letting out a few tear drops.

"You guys rocked"- it's Minho who's there to support them all the time.

"Thank you sir" -three of them bowed together.

"Btw Emon where did u get these kinda stunning stories?" -its their Programming teacher Jisoo who came out of nowhere just because of Minho. She has a crush on him.

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