Part 20 ~❤️~

48 6 32

(Author's POV)


"Achooo!"- Emon sneezed.

Jew: "Im done, I'm done with her Yoongi Oppa"- Jew leaned over to Yoongi's Shoulder.

Yoongi: "Taehyung-ah, Didn't you know that she can't go out when it's snowing?"

Taehyung seemed really gloomy after seeing Emon in that condition.

Emon: "Yoongi Oppa it's my fault, I didn't tell him anything!"

Hoseok: "huh, why?"

Emon smiled widening her teeth.

Emon: "I like to walk outside when it snows, with hi- achoooo!"- she wiped her nose.

Gizel: "Emon, baby you should take care of yourself, when we aren't around you"

Taehyung got startled by hearing that from Gizel, he looked at Emon who's already staring at him,

Emon blinked her eyes at him, Taehyung bowed his face.. Emon smiled.

Jew: "Take some rest dear!" - Jewel patted Emon on her chin and wrapped her up with a blanket.

Gizel: *kissed Emon's forehead* Emoniephabo!!!!

Hoesok: "haha!!!!"- widely opened his mouth.

Yoongi held Jewel's hand,

Yoongi: "Jew we're gonna go!"

Emon suddenly eyed Taehyung, "to say don't go"

He didn't even want to go.

Taehyung: "hyung? You really need to go this early?"

Hoseok: "TaeTae, Don't you want to go home?"

Emon eyed Gizel clenching her teeths.

Gizel chuckled.

Gizel: "Oppa!!! Come with me!"- Gizel grabbed Hoseok's hand,

Hoseok: "to where??"

Gizel: "that's a secret," she whispered to him.

Gizel: "Yoongi Oppa, Jew, you guys also!"

Jew eyed Gizel, Gizel let a crooked smile out, Jew embarrassingly bit her nails.

Jew: "she's right!! Come Yoongoooo"

Emon started biting her nails.

Taehyung didn't get anything.

Finally Jewngi and Gizeok left the room(A/n: couple name for Jew+Yoongi & Gizel+Hoseok 😜)

Emon sighed!

Taehyung turns around facing her.

Emon: "Taeboo!"

Taehyung: "Don't talk to me Emon"- he furrows his eyebrows.

Emon: "omg! Don't furrow your eyebrows, it's killing me" - Emon dramatically pressed her chest.

Taehyung tilted his head, and then walked towards her.. sat beside her.

Taehyung: "don't talk to me Emon" - he tugged her hair behind her ear.

Emon: "Taehyung! Stay away you'd catch cold"

Taehyung didn't say anything.. he bend his head and pecked her lips.

Emon: "Hump"

Taehyung pulled out from the kiss and looked straight up to her eyes.

Emon: *awkward stare* "T..Taeh-"

Taehyung: *pecks*

Emom: "wha-"

Taehyung: *pecks*

Emon: "plea-"

Taehyung: *pecks*

He wrapped his hands gently around her before she could resist him.. pulled out of the peck and grabbed her cheeks.

Taehyung: "I took your fever away!, Don't worry I won't catch a cold"

Emon bends her head down.

Taehyung: * also bends his head facing her closely* "Why did you hide it from me, bronchitis?"

Emon: "I'm sorry!"

Taehyung: "what sorry?" * He raised her head facing him* don't hide anything from me! I want to know everything about you as I told you, don't do this again"

Emon: "sorry, I won't do this again Oppa!"

Taehyung widened his eyes as he heard it from her surprisingly!

Taehyung: "mwo??? I mean what?? Aigoooo kwiyeyo!"

Emon giggled.

Taehyung: "once more"

Emon: "no!" She bows her head with shyness

Taehyung: "yaaa! , say that again"

Emon: "I'm shy"- she covered her face with that blanket

Taehyung: "aishh!!!, I'm letting you win because you are weak" - he roamed his hands caressing her hair.

Emon: "stay with me until I sleep"- she took her right hand.

Taehyung: "ofc! Oppa is gonna be with you always" - he kisses her forehead as if she's a child.

Emon wrapped her hands around, hugging him and closed her eyes. Taehyung covered over her like a blanket and started running his fingers through her hair.

Emon: "Taeboo!"

Taehyung: "uhmm?"

Emon: "I can't sleep, sing me a lullaby"

Taehyung: "ofc jagi, I will"

Taehyung sang a lullaby for her, gently she fell asleep, He laid her on the bed and looked at sleeping Emon.

Taehyung: "I'll be here with you always and forever!" He kissed her head.

Next episode: "family"

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