question for the readers

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hey guys. i've been sitting on saying something like this for a while now, but i think after watching carson's stream, the time has come to ask this question.
seeing as many people don't like the idea of fanfic because it's invasive and often creepy/wrong, is now the time that i should discontinue this? don't get me wrong, i've loved writing this book since the first day i typed the first word of the first chapter, and this is still something that i hold very near and dear to my heart, because, to me, this is something that has showed me my own growth as a writer and it's kind of sentimental. but with that being said, i see a lot of mixed opinions and how fanfiction is generally more frowned upon now than it once used to be.
i just wanted to say i NEVER once thought about putting anything nsfw in this or shipping any of the guys in this and i wanted it to be solely oc x youtuber, but i guess more and more people are starting to even dislike that idea of a made up character with a youtuber. i don't know. i'd love to keep this going since so many of you love this and i love writing it, but i feel like i'm at a crossroads for what i should do because i don't want to make anyone uncomfortable with my writing. please comment something or drop a message in my inbox.

thank you.

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