40. where I make my home

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A quick fic I did for Loki's birthday which was yesterday (December 17th, according to Marvel Wikia.) This should've been posted a lot earlier, but I was busy with college and stuff. Anyway, better late than never! Happy (belated) birthday, Loki!


After Thanos, after the final battle, after the snap, they were finally allowed to catch a break. New Asgard was still far from Asgard - the home they lost - but it was a new one they've got. Their home now wasn't an enormous, stunning palace made of gold but a simply hut only big enough to fit two, just like the rest of their people's. Here it was plain and simply. And here it was home.

Thor thought of Loki and smiled. As long as his brother was safe and they were together, he knew he wouldn't complain about anything. The Norns at last gave him something back, after taking away almost everything.

(Though he would have to admit he still wasn't used to sharing a tiny space with Loki. They both had their own rooms here, but the house was small when compared to the palace where, considering how big the place was, they could go a week without seeing each other. Here that was simply impossible, for the brothers always had to wait to take turn using the only bathroom, or a kitchen. They saw each other when they left their rooms in the morning, when they had breakfast and lunch and dinner together, or when they were chilling on the same couch watching some lame movies. Personal space was something they only got after bedtime when they both returned to their tiny rooms which were separated by a thin wooden wall.)

Thor finished washing the dishes. It was his turn, even though he was pretty sure he had already washed them last night and now was supposed to be Loki's turn. Loki said Thor was drunk last night, that explained why he was a little confused and didn't remember last night was Loki's turn. So now it was Thor's (Thor was actually drunk, but he didn't think he was that drunk. It was, purely, the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he was that drunk and forgot Loki did the task last night)

He dried his hands then went to the living room. There weren't much to do here, except rebuilding the kingdom (though Thor knew 'village' would fit better) which wasn't really a king's duty. He cringed at how that sounded in his own head, like he was a shitty, lazy ruler that threw away responsibility, but he did his job which was attending a council meeting with Loki. Besides, Thor was really bad at... building houses. Better step out of the way than being a burden.

Loki sat with his legs curled underneath his body on the couch, watching a movie. It appeared he was too focused on the screen to acknowledge Thor's presence in the room with him, which was rare. Loki was always alerted, he can be really preoccupied with something, his book, for instance, but never with Midgard films. Loki always had bitter comments about how unrealistic they were, always pointed out the inaccuracy, how bad the acting was. But right at the moment he seemed genuinely... mesmerised.

Thor took his moment studying his brother's expression before his eyes shifted to the TV. It was a movie, one of those Loki usually made fun of. When Thor really watched it, it occurred to him that the people on the screen were throwing a birthday party for the main character.

And it hit Thor that today was Loki's birthday.

Of course he didn't forget the date. He had been... planning to do something for Loki. It was only that he had a lot on his mind that he... forgot today was the day. Okay, Thor forgot.

When they were on Asgard, the old Asgard, they had fest, celebrating and cheering and drinking all week long, even though Loki was never a fan of any of those. He preferred a quiet dinner with Thor, Frigga and Odin, having a few laugh, opening a present Frigga got him which usually was a book. Thor didn't understand, but Loki's smile had always been sincere and the brightest upon receiving a new book from his mother year after year. Thor once got him a new dagger in which also earned a sincere smile and a thank you from his brother, while Odin granted him a whole set of armour with shinny sword made of pure, strongest steel; something any warrior would die for, Loki only thanked him with a smile that didn't reach his eyes. (Nevertheless, Loki was grateful. Even if he may not desired to use them any time soon, it was the thought that count, and he knew how much it meant to him that, for once, his father actually gave him something)

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