Chapter 11

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Seems I've got this figured out. My updates are more frequent, yes? I try...I try...

        They had run into two other demon types before getting as far as they did. What (y/n) wanted to know was why the temple was so large. They were certainly at the end now but there was nothing in sight. Despite that, he and Ara were both on edge because they could both sense the dangerous beast that was lurking nearby. "Eun thinks it's in the lava again. That would be where the other demons came from," Ara said keeping her voice low as she and (y/n) walked towards what seemed to be a ceremonial circle.

        "There were others that teleported her too. We can't be entirely sure," (y/n) commented as he looked up towards the ceiling. He froze and caughht Ara by the arm as he did. She likely saw his look of surprise aa he pointed up at the very beast they were seeking. It was far more deadly than any demon they had faced up until then amd it glared down at them in silence. (Y/n) wasn't sure if he should move just yet and Ara was slowly lowering her spearhead so as not to alarm the beast. It began to growl and Ara froze with her spear pointed towards the wall.

        "That is the holy neast Ifritan. He is being posessed. I can feel it. You must defeat him but do not kill him
He s the protector of this temple," Illipia spoke. The information was helpful but (y/n) was trying to focus on not getting himself or Ara killed by a holy beast. He had never before seen one until then but Chung had once mentioned the holy beast of Hamel back when they had been in the desert. "In...tru...ders," Ifritan growled. His voice startled (y/n) since he wasn't aware that holy beasts could speak. Chung hadn't given him such a detail.

        "We aren't..." Ara quietly whispered but Ifritan cut her off. "Intruders," he said as he bared his fangs at them. Not killing him would be a challenge if (y/n) had to face him head on. He still kept hold of Ara's arm but slowly losened his grip so that she could move if Ifritan decided to jump down. So far, no one had made any other moves and Illipia had not given (y/n) any other advice. It was then that (y/n) noticed that Ifritan's gaze shifted to something behind him and he internally cursed knowing exactly what was going on.

        "Ykuei don't move," (y/n) called out knowing that the demon spawn was certainly there against his orders. How he had gone unnoticed was something (y/n) didn't understand but it wasn't the time to worry about such things. Ifritan looked back at (y/n) and let another menacing growl free. Both he and Ara saw it coming so they both lept out of the way as Ifritan detached from the ceiling and launched himself down at them with his claws outstretched.

        As this occured, the ceremonial circle of the temple shuddered and the floor around it collapsed making a makeshift arena as if that was what the ceremonial circle was meant for. There was already barely any room for Ifritan to be in the circle which didn't give (y/n) very many options to fight. He could steal his soul and he couldn't clash with him without worry since Ara could get hurt. "Intruders!" Ifritan roared as he slammed his clawed fists to the ground before letting out a truly terrifying roar.

        "Ykuei get Ara out of here!" (y/n) ordered knowing that the half elf alf demon was still nearby. "(Y/n) you can't fight that thing alone! There's no way I'm letting you do that, (y/n). You have allies now! You aren't alone anymore," Ara said. She stood firmly and looked ahead at Ifritan with determination. Some of what she said was true but (y/n) had already known that he couldn't beat Ifritan on his own. Against foes like this one, Zhu had been there to back him up and he didn't have to worry about not killing them.

         Before (y/n) could protest to Ara staying and fighting with him, Ifritan dashed at them with his claws ready to shred them the moment they made contact. Ifritan was fast for such a large beast but Ara and (y/n) were fast both of them using their fox given power to entirely dodge his attack amd end up behind him. Despite that, (y/n) immediately went into panic for Ykuei was not within sight nor did he sense him. "Ykuei!" (y/n) called hoping that the supoosed child had been able to avoid the attack.

        "I'm okay," he spoke as he suddenly appeared next to (y/n) floating as if he'd been there all the while. Ifritan quickly looked behind him at the trio and growled again. There was no time for idle chat and the three of them were forced to fight even if they didn't want to. Ifritan jumped right onto the middle of the platform sending a powerful shockwave that blew unpleasantly heated wind into their faces. (Y/n) had to temporarily shield his eyes but when he moved his arm to get eyes on his enemy, Ifritan was already close enough to attack him and his claws were already reaching for him.

        He didn't have Zhu to move for him and his mind temporarily went blank as fear clouded his thoughts. Even so, his body moved on its own forcing himself to drop to the ground where he was to avoid having claws meet his face. It was a very close call but the danger wasn't over yet. (Y/n) was right in front of Ifritan who didn't hesitate to spit a ball of fire right at him. Before he could react, (y/n) was odn the other side of Ifritan near Ara who had moved out of the way of Ifritan's initial attack thanks to Eun.

        Ykuei had been the one to teleport him to safety and he was able to witness the expanding explosion that would have harmed him if he had still been where he was. "We need to run. We can't fight him without killing him, I can't. We're in his territory. There's nothing we can do," (y/n) decided. It was frustrating for him to have so much power but be so powerless against an enemy he wasn't supposed to kill. Ifritan roared again but this time when he slammed his clawed fists against the ground, the outer ring of the circle crumbled away in an instant.

         Unfortunately (y/n), Ara, and Ykuei were all standing there when it happened. Ykuei was closest to Ara much to (y/n)'s relief so the two of them made it out unscathed. He was mostly okay having dug hus claws into the unstable rock face of what remained of the ceremonial circle. He couldn't keep his grip for a bit longer than he would have liked and ended up with a few lava singed tails but he was otherwise just fine. Well....he was until Ifritan peered over the edge of the platform. (Y/n)'s blood ran cold as the beast seemed like he was about to leap down with him and perhaps drag him right into the lava.

        Luckily, Ykeui saved him again with his teleportation ability which he had began to appreciate more and more. "Time to run," Eun spoke. She seemed to have taken over for Ara likely because Ara passed out from fright ir Run just determined it was the best action. Either way, (y/n) didn't protest nor did he mind running from a fight knowing he had low chances of winning. He just hoped that the rest of the El Search Party had arrived at the other side of the collapse temple entrance because if not, Ifritan would be a major threat to Elsword.

Thank you all for sticking with this story. I think I've gotten out if my writter's block phase for this book so expect more from me. I plan on actually sticking to my plan this time so until next time you amazing readers!

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