Final Chapter

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At last, the final chapter has arrived! I'll quiet now...

        It had all seemed like nothing more than a dream, but (y/n) knew better than to believe such a thing. He woke up as if he had simply gone to sleep, and that's certainly seemed like. A bed within an air conditioned room and nothing to bother him was (y/n)'s type of environment to wake up in. The light in the room was on, but that wasn't anything compared to experiencing a volcanic eruption. It was certainly something he never wanted to to do again.

        "So you're awake now," he heard someone say. He sat up and to find that Elsword was there. "You had us all worried when you took the longest to wake back up. Everyone else is fine. If I'd known you were going to do something so risky, I wouldn't have let you go ahead of us back then. But I guess it's alright since eveything worked out," he said. "How many days have I been out?" (y/n) asked. Elsword laughed at him.

        "Just a few hours. Nothing major like that. We'll be leaving Lanox soon. The people here kind of hate us more now. And the strange thing is that the volcano didn't really damage the city. They're all just upset that we even let it erupt. Strange people, right?" Elsword carried on as if things were all normal, which (y/n) found odd. "Are you sure everything's okay. This all seems too good to be true," (y/n) muttered.

        "What do you mean by that?" Elsword questioned with a tilt of his head. "I didn't die this time. No one's currently trying to kill me. The villagers actually still hate us instead of pretending like they don't. All of this seems too normal," (y/n) explained. Conpared to the events in Sander, this type of outcome was much preferred. "You've got to start living more. You're not supposed to have near death experiences on the regular," Elsword said with a slight frown.

        He wanted to tell Elsword how wrong he was about that part, but he didn't get the chance to. Ara was approaching the room and (y/n) didn't exactly want to see her just yet. "I think I'm going to...go check on the others. Be back later, good luck," Elsword said before quickly leaving. Ara hadn't even gotten there yet, but sonehow Elsword knew she was on the way. They passed each other when Ara arrived in the room with Elsword narrowly escaping a possible outburst.

        "Can I start off with a sorry?" (y/n) hopefully asked as the girl walked over to him. After forcing her to leave by using Eun, he expected her to be upset beyond reason. Instead, Ara hugged him and broke into tears. "Hey, are you okay?" (y/n) asked. He wasn't sure if she was keeping herself from attacking him or genuinely just that hurt by his actions. "I'm perfectly fine, you jerk. Next time you should tell me what's going on before you send me off somewhere. I had to ask Illipia for help. Do you know how awful that goddess is? She really sucks!" Ara ranted.

        " weren't about to yell at me just now?" (y/n) asked. Ara let him go and glared at him. "No, but I thought about it before reconsidering. You're lucky that I like you or else you wouldn't have been spared," she growled before sitting at the edge of his bed. Her hairpin was gone meaning that she had purposefully excluded Eun from the conversation.

        "Illipia told me what she did before she left me. I'm surprised you were able to deal with that goddess. I had no idea you were risking your life when you healed everyone back at that inn and when you saved Elsword. But I guess you didn't know either. Illipia didn't tell you," Ara said. Her tone had changed to slight sadness now that her anger had subsided again.

        "It's nothing to worry about. Illipia didn't force you to take my place, did she?" (y/n) asked. He had to be sure that Ara wasn't caught up in a situation like the one he had been in. "Of course not. I'm in a contract with Eun, so I couldn't have become her inheritor even if I wanted to. I'm just glad she even listened to me or else you'd still be in that volcano right now," Ara answered.

        "And my mother? Did she make any appearances? Ykuei told me that she disappeared during all the fighting," (y/n) asked. Ara shook her head at him. "Nothing at all. I think she may have made herself leave. Does that mean you're going to go looking for her?" Ara's question caught him of guard although it was expected. "Not this time. She made it clear that she doesn't want to be found," (y/n) muttered. He didn't want to put himself through the pain of losing his mother a third time.

        A comfortable silence settled into the room after their conversation. It had been a while since (y/n) had known what normal felt like. If this was really it, then it wasn't so bad. He could certainly go for a few momemts of silence or idle conversations. Ara sort of startled him when she moved to sit right next to him, but he wasn't going to tell her to move. Instead, he pulled her closer to his side and she leaned her head onto his shoulder.

        "So where are we going next? I'm sure the El Search Party still has some place to go after this," (y/n) inquired. Ara did a half shrug. "I don't know. This was the last lead we had. The priestesses actually met earlier to discuss that. All of them are here in Lanox. After hearing that Scar tried to revive Sult, they got here as quickly as they could. I don't really think there are many other places we could go now," Ara admitted.

        "As long as we get out of Lanox and go somewhere with an average temperature, I'm okay with it. After being in a live volcano, I'd rather not go anywhere with too much heat. Not even Sander," (y/n) said. "Then you're in luck. We're heading to an entirely different dimension," Elsword spoke as he suddenly walked into the room. "How long have you been listening?" (y/n) questioned with narrowed eyes. He nor Ara moved from their spot despite his sudden apoearance.

        "Long enough to know you don't want to stay here. I'm not some eavesdropping creep. I thought you knew me better than that," Elsword replied with slight disappointment evident in his voice. "You said another dimension. I'm not asking how. At this point, I'm not even surpried, but why are we supposed to be going to wherever this place is?" (y/n) spoke, changing the subject before anything else could be said.

        "Well, the priestesses had their meeting and apoarently, there has been a disturbamce in a city called Elysion. It has a connection to our continent, and they want us to check it out. We're leaving as soon as possible if everyone agrees on it," Elsword explained. "Count me in. It's way better than being in Lanox. Maybe there won't even be any people there to bother us. You never know," (y/n) said.

        He meant it as nothing more than a joke, but he didn't realize how correct he was about the lack of human beings. In fact, he would later regret there not being humans in Elysion, but that is a story for another time. For now, (y/n) began the start of his now normal life...constant fighting and lost of adventure. But it was better than facing death every five minutes like the old times.

        And so, assuming everyone knows about the El Search Party and their adventures, (y/n) stayed with the group even after fighting off a major threat while in a live volcano for their sakes. He and Ara eventually visited what was left of their village and spent their days vanquishing evil from the world. Did that last sentence seem familiar? Well it is.

And so the story ends here, but wait, there's one more thing. The After You Read chapter is up next so until then you awesome readers!

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