Chapter 26

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If there are ever any questions about the storyline, feel free to ask. I hope I'm not making things too confusing...

        He didn't understand why Ignia's words were suddenly so trustworthy, but there was no time to complain. There was at least evidence to back up the treacherous pristess, and if they didn't hurry, Lanox was doomed. In truth, the El Search Party was not ready to take on Scar and his forces, but they had to do something to stop the destruction that the volcano would cause. None of them, other than Ignia who had stayed behind, could stop a volcano from erupting.

        "They'll sense us coming before we get there. It'll be risky, but I think we should split up," Aisha announced as the group neared the base of the volcano. She had taken charge since Elsword wasn't fit for the job at the moment. If it weren't for the possibility that Elesis could change her mind, (y/n) would have hoad him stay behind with Ykuei.

        Elsword was actively participating in their rescue mission, but anyone could tell just by looking at him that he wasn't really there. His eyes seemed unfocused and he had been ignoring any question pertaining to his well-being. "You shouldn't worry about him. He can be dealt with after you not die," Zhu said as he waited for them. The fox had gone ahead of them and sniffed out the entry way to Scar's hideout.

        "According to my calculations, we have approximately twenty minutes to save Artea, the earth priestess, and still have enough to time for her to stop the volcano's eruption process entirely," Eve informed. "That's not enough time! We'd have to plow through everyone in our way including Scar's generals to make that time. Not to mention we don't even know where Artea is being held," Lu poited out. She was right, but if all they were going to do was bulldoze their way through, (y/n) was sure he could easily help do so.

        "We should let (y/n) go ahead of us. Zhu is here and on our side for now. It's best that we use him hile we can. There's no time to argue about this, so who is fast enough to go with him?" Aisha said. (Y/n) was a little surprised that she'd nominated him, but it made sense. (Y/n) had gained the El Search Party's recognition back when they were in Sander. "I'll go. Me and Ain should be able to keep up. It should only take the three of us to get in, get Artea, and get out," Ara said.

        No one objected Ara's choice and they were almost near Zhu who stood at the entrance of Scar's volcanic hideout. "We'll go as far as we can and the three of you will locate Artea. I wish you all luck. Lanox is depending on us to succeed," Aisha confirmed. With those words, (y/n) didn't hesitate to go to Zhu hoping the fox would simply take him right to Artea. Zhu was likely better at differentiating souls and could find Artea's general location.

        Zhu either thought the same thing, or intended to do things himself to begin with since the fox waited for (y/n) to sit on his back. "Wait for me!" Ara called. She didn't hesitate to join (y/n) and wrapped an arm around his waist so that she didn't fall. Given the situation, (y/n) didn't have time to protest, but he didn't think he would have even done so otherwise.

        "Ain, will you be able to keep up?" Ara asked. Ain nodded giving them all the confirmation they needed. Within seconds, they were already headed towards Artea. Zhu had already began searching for her, and with (y/n) watching for any enemies, they were on a set course from there on out. The only problem was the sheer amount of unknown factors in their situation.

        They were practically running blindly into enemy territory. The best they could do was hope things were in their favor. Just before Zhu could leave the tunnel they had found into the side of the volcano, he stopped dead in his tracks and turned around using his tails to shield (y/n) and Ara from something they hadn't noticed. Seconds later, a sudden blast was heard and the heat near them picked up greatly.

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