Chapter 17

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Sorry that I'm late. Seems like this is actually working out this time though...

        The words did not completely distract him from taking action, but he did panic. He felt everything slow down as he realized that General Zhen was not aiming at him but instead was aiming at Add. Both of them realized this, but Add was not fast enough to react in time. Being that (y/n) was fast enough, he had no time to consider the consequences before he acted and felt the sharp burning pain on his arm as he and Add fell to the ground.

        (Y/n) had pushed him aside just before the blast reached them. Add went unscathed but (y/n) could tell that he was certainly damaged badly. He refused to look at the injury and glanced back at Aisha and Chung seeing them safe and out of harms way. They were shaken but perfectly fine. "What are you doing? That attack was not meant for you, although I am a bit surprised that you are healing. There doesn't seem to be a healer on your side," General Zhen said with a perplexed expression.

        (Y/n) and Add scrambled to their feet and they both backed up a bit. Her power was far greater than theirs even with (y/n)'s ninetailed fox powers at his disposal. "Why didn't you aim to kill them?" Jin spoke from behind her. Her twin was still dealing with (y/n) blow to the head and Jon was helping him stand. (Y/n) would have smirked at the sight of blood trickling down the aide of the demon's face, but he was internally rationalizing everything to keep himself from panicking. General Zhen struck up conversation with Jin and Ignia regarding the situation.

        "Add...take them and leave. Tell the others to get somewhere safe. Send Ykuei to find me," he said to Add realizing that General Zhen would not intentionally harm him. "Are you crazy? Did you just see what that thing nearly did to us?!" Add hissed. He wasn't aware of General Zhen's desire not to harm him. "Second time seeing it being used. First time being hit by it. Now get out of here before you get shot at again," (y/n) said as he stood in front off Add to keep him from being aimed at again.

        Missiles rained down from the air giving Add the perfect opportunity to escape but (y/n) didn't make sure that Add safely got away. He was more concerned with his mother's well-being and panicked when she didn't try dodging the attack. Just when he stepped forward, Ignia stepped in and stopped the missiles with her flames. The explosions brought (y/n) back to his senses and Add was gone when he checked behind him. "Those three are quite troublesome. Ignia, Jin, get rid of them. I'll make sure In is well taken care of until you two return. My son and I have a lot to discuss," General Zhen spoke.

        "No, leave them alone. You want to talk, right? I'll stay right here and speak to you. They'll leave and won't try to stop you, I promise," (y/n) said. So far, he had been the only one to get hurt and he wanted to keep things that way. "(Y/n), there's a barrier around the temple! Ignia must be blocking us in! You need to do something!" Aisha called. From where they were, (y/n)'s conversation with his controlled mother was not heard. Aisha's words seemed to irritate General Zhen even further, and Jin already seemed ready to get revenge for In who seemed to be in a decent fighting condition now.

        "She is no longer you mother. Although your power level differs, you must keep her occupied. Your best option is to capture Ignia and flee," Illipia spoke to him. She had been silent for quite some time now and hearing her voice so suddenly startled him. He remembered his mother's words of advice regarding the goddess, but she did make a good point. General Zhen as she was now had no resemblance to his mother other than her appearance and abilities.

        "I'll trust you for now..." (Y/n) thought before he glanced over to Jin rather than Ignia. His target was made obvious thanks to his allies, but if he could convince his current enemies that he did not intend to go after Ignia first, he could succeed in taking them by surprise. He began to focus on General Zhen as he managed his best glare. She seemed unafraid of him and almost entirely nonchalant about the whole situation. "Sorry in advance," he muttered.

        Something told him that she didn't intend to dodge his attacks so when he shot forward, he put less effort into the attack only to allow time for someone to step in. Much to his relief, Ignia stepped in and stopped him with the flat of her spear. (Y/n) immediately jumped back to avoid a blast of fire that shot up from the ground. He could faintly hear the sound of his allies calling to him but he ignored them. For the time being, they would have to be left out of his plan.

        "You didn't really intend to harm me did you? I'm your mother, (y/n)," General Zhen said. She seemed genuinely hurt by his attempt to harm her. "You're not my mother. Don't keep saying that you are," (y/n) said. He knew she was still there, but there person he was speaking to was certainly not her. He sprang forward again even with Ignia there, and tried for another attack. This time Ignia nearly stabbed him but he was able to sway out of the way just enough not to get hit. Just before he could reach his mother, Jin stopped him. The whip had wrapped around his wrist and pulled him to the side.

        He hadn't expected this, but he adapted to the change in situation. Jin was immediately hit by Aisha's magecraft giving time for (y/n) to escape. Add and Aisha had come across when (y/n) had first decided to ignore them while Chung stayed behind to provide aerial support as the two faught against the demon duo. Jin had only decided to step in when Ignia failed to stop (y/n). Flames rose up from behind him, scorching the edges of his clothes. Ignia had either shot a warning attack or General Zhen wouldn't allow her to harm him.

        "Stop all of this fighting. We have no need for it. I'll simply need to discipline my son so that he will be ready to listen," General Zhen spoke with a smile as she tapped Ignia's shoulder. Ignia got the message to stay clear and watched as General Zhen attempted to get closer to (y/n). Her careless attitude threw (y/n) off and he instantly put some distance between them as a precaution. "This is bad. We're still stuck here and now I think I made her mad," (y/n) thought in fustration. He was tired of things not going right for him.

        "Is it more power that you desire? Perhaps a small boost to put you on an equal playing field? I'm curious to see how this plays out." The voice was all too familiar to him and for a moment, (y/n) did not believe he was even hearing that voice. His mother locked gazes with him as he heard the familiar fox speak to him, and she seemed to suddenly be on edge. "Jin, In, all back. Return to Scar immediately," General Zhen ordered. Without hesitation, Jin and In withdrew from their fight with Add and Aisha who were holding their own against them well with Chung's support.

        "She's afraid of me. How nice. It seems you'll have a nice little fight ahead of you. This will be fun," Zhu spoke within his mind. (Y/n)'s breath momentarily left him as he felt a surge of unfamiliar power suddenly pour into him. He stumbled forward nearly falling from the intense pain and unable to let out his cry of agony. The familiar feeling of being controlled sunk in under his pain. He was forced to stand upright as he aura's intimidation effect grew. "Time to be partners like the old days. This will be fun for the time being," Zhu said. His laughed echoed in (y/n) mind and he started to feel his conciousness fade. "At this point...I don't even know what's going on anymore," (y/n) thought.

I'll get another chapter out soon so until next time you awesome readers!

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