After You Read

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So you made it. I thought you'd disappear without a trace. He goes a little after story info since you made it this far...

Sequel?: Well it's sort of a thing where the original is always better than whatever comes next, so I think I'll just leave things as they are. I mean it this time (...unless of course there are any objections).

Thank Yous?: Of course there are! Thank you all who took time out of your busy lives to read this book of mine. There are no time refunds. Special thanks to all of you that commented and/or voted. And even those of you that added this book to a reading list. Yeah, I saw that. Really appriciate all the support.

Future Plans?: I'm not sure if I'll be moving on to any of the other Elsword girls after this, but I am starting a oneshots series where I chose a character and write about twenty oneshots for them before moving on to a new character. After writing this book, I should have started on Mordred from the Fate series. But hey, you guys probabaly have other books you planned on reading. You made it this far, so I must have done something right at some point. Who knows, maybe we'll meet again. But for now, the journey ends...

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