Chapter 28

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About six or seven chapters to go. Yes, it seems this book is coming to an end, but there are so many things that need to be answered...

        What was he supposed to do now? Most of the reason he had joined the El Search Party was to save his mother despite the warnings that he couldn't. Now his own mother had told him that she couldn't be saved. He couldn't accept that fact. "(Y/n)..." Ara quiety spoke to get his attention. "I don't want to talk about it," he immediately said. It was the only thing on his mind, but he didn't really want to dwell on the idea.

        "I figured that out already. I was going to ask if you wanted to come with us. Lanox is in chaos right now, so it's safer to stay here. But the people are blaming us for what happened, so we could use your help," Ara said. She was right. They had assumed that Artea was saved on time and that no damage had come to Lanox, but they were wrong.

        When the everyone had returned to the town, they were faced with angry residents that blamed the lava flows on them. Many buildings had been damaged by escaped lava and others had been entirely destroyed much like the inn. The El Search Party didn't have much of a choice when they left for the outskirts of Lanox. They would have to camp outside for the remainder of their stay.

        "I need to talk to Ykuei about some things. I'll stay here. It's best if I not show up in that place anyway. I'm not good with angry crowds," (y/n) answered. He had no doubt that he'd end up doing something he might regret if he neared a source of his frustration. Those people were ungrateful not even considering the fact that their lives were saved.

        "Okay. Don't sulk for too long. It's bad for your health. And don't get into any fights either," Ara said as if she were his babysitter or something. He looked down from where he sat on a tree branch and saw Ara beginning to leave. "Hey Ara," he called before she could leave the area. She quickly turned back around with a hopeful look in her eyes.

        "Thanks," (y/n) said. He nearly fell from the tree when Ara returned his gratitude with the brightest smile he'd ever seen her pull of. She certainly took notice and giggled at him. "It's not funny," he quietly muttered as he regained his balance in the tree. She didn't hear him, leaving with both amusement and part of his pride. Even so, (y/n) couldn't help but smile at the thought of Ara's kindness towards him.

        "You trust in her and the others far too much," Zhu spoke in his mind. The fox was actually back at the camp watching over their hostage, Rose. She hadn't given them much information, and her robot companion had proved to be very troublesome. They couldn't free her since she would undoubtedly take Ykuei and flee the scene. "You don't know much about trust yourself, but it's not like I have room to talk. You shouldn't be on my side," (y/n) replied.

        Zhu laughed at his words. "You make a somewhat fair point, but you forget that I still want you dead. This cooperation is only temporary." Zhu was a little bothersome in that regard. Those words of his didn't seem entirely correct to (y/n), but he wasn't in the mood to argue. He'd cross that bridge when the time came. "I'll let you believe that. If anything, I bet your sorry for what you did. Not like I care. I was doing okay without your help," (y/n) mentioned.

        Zhu kept silent, not saying anything else to him. Once again, (y/n) was back to being with just his own thoughts. "We can't lose this battle, but I also don't want to win anymore," he muttered to himself. It was becoming harder to remain a virtuous person. When he finished speaking, he froze as a familiar aura approach his location. Instantly, he was out of the tree and on the ground to stop whatever was heading to him. He had an idea of who it might be, so he kept his aura concealed to avoid a bloody confrontation.

        "Relax. I'm not here to kill you. Your advice proved to be useful," the red haired swordswoman spoke as she suddenly stood in front of him. Her sword was stained with blood although there was no murderous intent present. "Elesis, why are you here?" (y/n) asked. Her darkness attibute, or whatever Illipia had mentioned, was starting to bother him.

        "The volcano was stopped thanks to your efforts. You're an exception to death by my blade. That said, I have intel on Scar. He's planning on sacrificing the two priestess instead of Ykuei to make up for the mana needed to revive Sult. You'll want to go there before midnight tomorrow. That's when he'll begin," Elesis informed. It was strange for her to speak to him so normally after he'd seen what she'd changed into.

        "Why didn't you tell the others that? Why me?" he asked. It was suspicious to him, but apparently Elesis found his questions humorous. "Didn't you just stand in my way? Would you have simply let me pass you? Surely not. You're too selfless for that, always putting your life on the line for others. It's a shame you didn't join my brother's team sooner," Elesis mused. (Y/n) wasn't entirely sure that what she said was meant to be a compliment, but he didn't dare to find out.

        "And you? What are you about to do now that you've told me that?" he asked. Elesis gave a sinister smile almost implying that he didn't want to know the amswer to his question. "I still have enemies to deal with. The power of the dark El is quite something. Don't get in my way and don't get my brother killed or else I'm coming for your head," she warned.

        Without another word, she left going back in the same direction she arrived from. (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief. He was glad that fighting hadn't been necessary especially since he was being watched. "You going to stay there the whole time. I'm supposed to talk to you about some things, you know," (y/n) said as he sat down. His hands slightly shook as an aftereffect, but he didn't want to believe that the essence of the dark El had that much effect on him.

        "There's not much to talk about. You know who I am and what my purpose is. All I can do is be useful to you and your team," Ykuei spoke as he let himself be visible. "My mother told me she couldn't be saved. Did you know that?" (y/n) inquired. Ykuei likely knew more than he let on, and that bothered him. Not only that, but this hybrid child was too cunning for (y/n)'s liking.

        "No, I didn't know. I would have told you otherwise," Ykuei answered. Whether is was truth or not, (y/n) couldn't be sure. "And that goddess you have whispering into your ear. Is she really trustworthy. My mother warned me not to listen to Illipia, so the same could apply to you. They've been giving some useful advice at times. Illipia even did everyone a few favors, but there has to be some sort of reasoning behind it," (y/n) ranted. Ykuei remained oddly silent when he spoke.

        "You going to start ignoring me now? Or did I ask something that I don't want to know the answer to?" he questioned. Ykuei nodded when the second question was mentioned. "I'm surprised Illipia didn't already tell you. She should have. I already know what will happen to me when Dryad is done giving me advice, but I'd be able to survive it. You likely won't," Ykuei muttered in shock.

        "What are you talking about? What didn't she tell me?" (y/n) demanded. Once again he was being faced with death, something he had gotten accustomed to despite his dislike for it. "When you've fulfilled your purpose as Illipia's inheritor, she'll take back the mana she gave to you in whatever form it may be. Dryad will do the same to me, but I try not to use her often and my mana reserves are plentiful. That's probably why General Zhen told you not to trust her. I didn't realize that you were unaware," Ykeui explained.

        There was no comment from the goddess herself. Her voice waa the last (y/n) wanted to hear at the moment. "When will that happen? How will I know when she's done helping me?" (y/n) asked. He wanted a time frame at least although the news wasn't settling well with him. "I don't know. That's something she should have told you herself. I only hope that it isn't soon," Ykuei answered.

        The way things were going, it seemed like (y/n) would probably die tomorrow, for that was when their last stand against Scar would be. Illipia had known all along and hadn't mentioned it. Why did things have to always get worse in the end? How exactly was he going to cheat death again this time?

And so the end is near yet the problems don't seem to be stopping at all. Until next time you awesome readers!

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