If You Want To Get Out Alive

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And it didn't stop.

The screaming, piercing through Deja's core as she attempted to cover her ears, fearing if she was exposed to it for too long she'd go deaf. The sound would fuel nightmares, and all focus became lost as she fell to her knees in the middle of the woodland. She wanted to scream back, beg for Cato to make it stop, but he wasn't there. How stupid was she to believe he'd follow her? To save her? Only one person was leaving alive, and the reality was finally setting in on her that the odds were not in her favour.

Deja's sadistic thoughts were cut off when the screaming finally ended, soon replaced by the sound of a cannon. Someone else had died. 

"Five left." She gasped under her breath, only two more to go until the third and final round would begin. They weren't planning on drawing it out this year, she thought to herself, the original 36 had been cut down to 5 within 72 hours, from what she could decipher, many of the mentors had killed their tributes within the first hour, apparently gaining their trust before cutting them down. The brunette's breath caught in her throat as another reality set in, if she'd remembered correctly (a hard feet when she was starved and bleeding through most of it), she was the only tribute left. Instead of exhaling, she kept inhaling, deep panicked breaths as it all hit her at once. 

They wanted this over. There was a good chance it would be over within the next 48 hours. If she was lucky.

The light ringing from above reminded Deja that in this moment, she still had to fight. Wide, frightened eyes looked up to see a small, metal tin attached to a parachute fall towards her. With cautious movements, she grabbed it and slowly opened the contents. 


No note. No sign of what type. Just tablets.
And all she could do was laugh. 

"Screw you." She murmured into the air. No doubt someone in the Capitol heard it. "I won't give up. I won't give in to you." She bit back a scream, fully aware that was was lucky to still be undetected after staying in the same place for more than five minutes. Stuffing the tablets in her pocket, she started to make her way back to the beach, careful to not leave any tracks.

Upon arriving back, Deja took note of how Cato remained in his place on the beach, still staring at the wisped out fire. The hulk of a man seemed so small, so defeated until she neared closer, within a split second his face hardened and the strong exterior was up, the blond male on his feet with his sword drawn, having not realised it was Deja. Flashback's filled her mind, it was just like her previous nightmares, seeing her mentor brooding over her with a sword. 

"Oh, it's just you." He quipped, lowering the weapon and shrugging nonchalantly. Anger bubbled within Deja, mouth opening to give him a piece of her mind, but no sound came out. All focus was brought to the searing pain that now occupied her left collar, a blood soaked arrow poking straight through her. She stared at it for a long second, before her eye's met with Cato's, who looked back with an unreadable expression. That was Deja's final image before her legs gave way and she connected with the sand.

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