For the second time in 24 hours, Seokjin felt as though a darkness surrounded him, to such an extent, that he was unable to see, hear, taste, or touch anything at all.The absolute emptiness, cold and scary, scarier than Seokjin could ever possibly imagine. He noticed, however, that his mind, thoughts and consciousness were all still alert and awake, which immediately reassured him.

He was not dead. Yet.

He constantly heard a recurrent beeping noise, while unconscious. It took him a while to conclude that, perhaps it was some kind of medical machine, like the ones that keep you alive while in a comatose state? Who knows, honestly?

It felt like forever until he was finally able to open his eyes, this time easier and faster. As soon as he did, a dazzling light blinded him. He tried to put up his arm, in order shade his eyes, but then a sharp pain stopped him from doing so.

"Hey hey hey, don't move, my man!"

A warm, though clearly worried voice made him lightly jump.

"Well that's unexpected." Seokjin thought, slowly moving his head to towards the direction of which the voice came from. But before doing as such, a tall man had already sat next to him, and looked at him vividly concerned.

"Don't move that clumsily, you are still healing" he said, looking directly in Seokjin's eyes softly.

"God, what an angelic voice.." Seokjin instantly thought. It was sweet and dulcet, like dripped honey or melted chocolate. It felt silvery, rich and silky, with a soothing, reassuring tone. For the first time in his life, Seokjin felt something like that for someone's voice. It was a strange feeling, but quite welcoming nonetheless.

"I-You.. Who are you?" Seokjin mumbled, still sleepy and dazzed by his blackout.

"Oh, yeah, that's right!" the man said, laughing slightly at himself, a laugh that made Seokjin feel butterflies at his stomach.

"Well, when the car crush happened" the man started to explain "I happened to pass by. I saw you crying over that girl's body, and i saw the upside-down car, so I guessed something awful had happened. And I got worried so I called an ambulance, as you told me to. Then I waited for it to come around, and I decided to also come by, cause hell, that was a terrible sight, and probably and even more terrible experience, so I didn't really like the idea of leaving you alone. Anywho, I came with you to the hospital, and stayed, and waited. And now you are awake!" he concluded, smiling broadly and sitting back at his chair happily. "And by the way, my name is Namjoon." he added.

"That's a lot of information to receive in 30 seconds" Seokjin replied to Namjoon's monologue, while desperately trying to remember everything that he said.
"Just give a second to get my head around the situation."

"Sure dude, don't worry" Namjoon said, while readjusting Seokjin's pillows and helping him out getting comfortable. "Other question? I'll try to answer every one I can."

A bell rang in Seokjin's mind.

"Oh the blond girl?" Namjoon said, this time not looking at his eyes.
"Yes, the blond girl. What did-" he tried to ask, but by looking at the stranger's eyes, he instantly stopped.
"Oh God, Yeeun.." he whispered. He started to breath rapidly, his vision got blurry, his mind got foggy once again, his chest felt heavy. He just wanted to cry, scream, rip his hair out. But he did not want to get Namjoon involved, he was a random dude after all. Right?

"Hey shh, it's okay, I get it. You'll feel better if you get everything out." Namjoon said quietly, and hugged Seokjin.

This was his breaking point.

Seokjin cried, like he had never before. He didn't even manage to cut it out early, he was unable to control it. Once the first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. His grief and weakness poured out in a flood of hot, burning tears. He cried with gut-wrenching sobs that tore through his chest and whines that left him frail, he grabbed Namjoon like his survival depended on him, and hugged him tightly, like a child hiding into his mother's embrace. He bawled, weeped and screamed, cursing every living being on earth. He tried to stop, press his palm against his mouth, bite it even, but nothing happened. It was raw, everything's raw, raw tears, raw emotions.

Namjoon was truly scared. He had never, in his whole life, seen someone grieve that painfully. His hands clutched at the shaking man's clothes, rocking him slowly as his tears soacked his own chest. With his howls of misery worsening, only for them to be broken apart by short breaks for recovering breaths, Namjoon got troubled for Seokjin's health, both physical but mostly mental.

But how could Seokjin not break down as badly as now, Namjoon thought. He was the exact picture of loss and devastation.
He did, after all, lose someone he loved, cherished and adored. Could his reaction be any different.

"I can't-can't stop, fuck, we can I not stop? Shit, Yeeun, love, I fucking lost you" he thought, still crying, as the memories and pictures of his once happy life flashed through his memories, and the pain in the back of his mind came forward by the slightest reminders.

"What the fuck am I going to do now?"

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