Two days later, Seokjin was looking at a picture of his young-looking self and Yeeun in a concert, holding each other in a tight hug. While rubbing his finger slowly on it, a sweet smile was constantly present on his face. He noticed that he started to enjoy looking back at their old photos, mostly because he was getting back all of these precious memories that he had long-forgotten. "It is good, remembering the ones you love and cherishing them properly.. I should do it more often" Seokjin pondered.

As he was looking through them, Seokjin happened to come across a specific picture, that made him drop it the second he beheld it. His breath stopped, and his hand trembled slightly, as a result of his sudden anxiety.

He knew this photo way too well.

It was a photo depicting the night sky. Nothing more, nothing less.

But for Seokjin it was everything.

He knew this photo was taken at a certain location, where he and Yeeun saw the most wonderful, bright, clear starry night in the whole world. They have driven for hours, trying to go to their first even vacation, before their car broke down, and were forced to stay there unable to mive further until the sun appeared behind the of mountains and emergency services drove them back to Seoul.

It was there, in the middle of nowhere, while laying in an empty road, attempting to make time pass faster and risking to get hit by a speeding car, that Seokjin realized he truly loved Yeeun from the bottom of his heart. It was then when Seokjin decided this was the person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
He wanted to make her his wife and start a family and build a home and grow old with her till their last shared days, when they would both be too old to care for the garden but would still be able to kiss each other on the forehead.

Yeah, it was an important moment of his life.

But now... he had the opportunity to make new memories.
Create unique moments that he will grow to love and treasure as time passes
Form bonds that will make his life worthy living.

He should find someone else to grow old with.

He knew exactly what he should do.
He placed the picture inside a shoes' box, along side with the rest of them.
He never thew them away. He kept them secured inside the box, checking them every once in a while, reminding himself of the happiness he had experienced.
However, it was time to experience a new one.
More... interesting happines.

He placed the box inside a cupboard, and closed it loudly.
This was it.
He took a quick breath, his mind raising by the second.

He then went over to his home's telephone and called Namjoon.

He answered immediately.

"Joonie! How are you doing?"
"Better now that you called me.."
Seokjin blushed secretly.
"Hey, I need to tell you something."
"What is it?"
"Well, not by the phone..."
"Oh, alright then-"
"Let's meet up."
"Sure, where do you wanna?"
"I don't know.. somewhere special please."
Namjoon thought about it for a moment.
"Well I do know this amazing place, but I am afraid you are not gonna like it.."
"Hey, I always like whatever you like."
Namjoon giggled.
"Good to know. Okay then, meet me at 6:30 PM at..."


hello lovelies, how are y'all doing? hope you stay healthy and happy, sorry if i wasn't posting for a while, school is really hard lately :(

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