Namjoon stayed with Seokjin for around two weeks, until he was able to help himself out with basic, everyday acts.

He practically had no reason to do so. He didn't know the guy. He was a complete stranger, that just so happened to experience loss with him present. The fact that he witnessed this tragic event did not held or render him responsible of Seokjin's well-being.

And there he was, feeding him soup, helping him move around and giving him the necessary medical treatment his healing required. He stayed by his side during all the endless days and sleepless nights, having no problem hearing him either crying or raging over his fate.

Why you may ask?

Well, Namjoon always believed that, if someone cries in front of you, that can be explained either with desperation or trust. Seokjin was, most probably in need of a helpful, patient shoulder to cry on, or maybe he trusted Namjoon to a great extent. Either way, Namjoon felt obliged to stand by him, help him get back at his feet.

Or at least that was what he constantly reminded himself.

Seokjin felt awful. He felt as though Namjoon pitied him, and Seokjin was a really prideful man. He hated acts of mercy, even if he sometimes got mercy and kindness mixed up. He hated his current scared state, he hated the fact that he needed help in order to brush his teeth, stand up or even shallow some pills. He hated this god-damn prison, where he wasn't allowed to touch or do absolutely nothing. He hated the taste of the medication, the taste of the food, the taste of water even.

He hated that he was so useless, he didn't even manage to bury his own wife, arrange her funeral or even say a proper goodbye to her.He hated that he couldn't even see her for the last time, touch her for the last time, talk to her for the last time. The doctors refused to allow him to attend her funeral or visit her grave.

He now hated the doctors as well.

At least that kid, Namjoon was around, he reminded himself constantly.

Thank God for Namjoon, as without his presence thing could and surely would be so much worse. Namjoon was his guardian angel, his salvage, his own personal oasis. Whenever he was around (which was almost always) he would somehow forget about his terrible life. They would talk for hours, about everything and anything, and even laugh at some point. Never did Seokjin thought that he would be able to laugh, or even crack a smile ever again.

At one point and after a couple of weeks with Namjoon visiting him, Seokjin asked:

"So, Namjoon, you are, like, always here."

"Huh, yeah, looks like I am.." Namjoon answered, having his back turned to Seokjin.

"What do you do for a living?"
"I am a kindergarten teacher!" Namjoon immediately replied, turning to Seokjin with a huge smile on his face.

Seokjin was taken aback, but could easily imagine Namjoon as a teacher, and especially a kindergarten one. Motherly mindful and helpful, but always quietly and with no rush or fuss to make you feel dazed or disturbed, always smiling and in a high spirit, without getting annoyingly bubbly and getting on your nerves. Patient, easy to understand and never rude or impolite. Yeah, he was perfect.

Seokjin looked at the wall calendar. It was mid-July at the moment.

"So that's why he is always around. He doesn't have a job to go to." Seokjin concluded.

"It suits you, Joon." Seokjin said after some thinking, smiling at the young man.

"Oh thank you, Jin.." he answered, feeling a flush of hotness at his cheeks.

"Don't you have anything better to do, Namjoon, rather than helping out a random man get to bed?" Seokjin laughed, waiting for his answer impatiently. Truth to be told, he was scared of the answer he was going to get, afraid of Namjoon thinking about it, realizing that he truly does not have a reason to stuck around, leaving and never coming back.

Seokjin did not want Namjoon to leave. He enjoyed his company more than anything in the whole world. Especially right know, where he was left alone, he needed a reason to keep on living, even if that reason was a tall, kind kindergarten teacher.

Namjoon for the first time actually confronted himself. Why was he here?

If he wanted to be ultimately honest, he just liked being around Seokjin. He was an interesting and cultivated individual, with plenty of fascinating experiences to fable about. He was quick witted, observant and incredibly fun to be around, with a capturing personality.
(It would also be an omission not to mention that he was extremely handsome as well)

"I guess I like you a little too much." he said smirking at him, blushing as he did as well (cause Namjoon sucked at casual flirting)

Seokjin was so pleased by his answer, that he got shy and looked down at his fingers.

Yeah, thank God for Namjoon.

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