For the first time since that fatal night, Seokjin slept like a baby. He woke up late, and actually felt as though life was worth living.

Or at least trying to.

He got up energized, made pancakes for breakfast, and even decided to finally go back to work. It's been a while, after all.

Was he two hours late? Yes.
Was he going to go anyway? Yes again.

As he was driving to the bank he was an employee at, he turned on the radio. "Chica" by Chungha was on, one of Seokjin's favorite songs (stan Chungha, stan talent) Upbeat and lively, it was exactly what Seokjin needed in order to start his day right.

The moment Chungha went on to sing the chorus, Seokjin started screaming at the top of his lungs. He turned the volume all the way up and sang so terribly, even some birds from outside flew away disturbed

But he didn't care, he was genuinely happy.

Happy. Seokjin never thought he would be able to say that he feels happy ever again.

Things do change.

He arrived at the bank and got out of the car quickly. He fixed his tie, buttoned up his shirt and dusted of his coat.

He looked presentable. Kind of..

"Meh, I look good enough." he thought, entering the high building proudly.

The moment he stepped foot into it, everyone's head turned around and looked at him, piercing through his soul unashamedly.

He could almost hear, with the help of his imagination, all of their secret conversations.

The almost-dead guy. The absent employee. The hospitalized one.

The widower.

Seokjin walked past them with his head raised and his pride shining. He decided that he wouldn't pay attention to their whispers or their silent comments.

He was here to collect his paycheck, get his position back and leave a salary richer.

That he did.

He had a quick talk with his boss, as they arranged his schedule from now on. At the moment it was Friday, meaning that he would start his job from Monday and on.

They shook hands. Seokjin was still on the job.

While getting out of the bank quickly, an idea popped up in his mind, causing him to smirk excitingly.

He searched in his pocket for his phone.
He dialed a number he deeply loved.

The phone rang multiple times, until a husked, tired, breathless voice answered hastily.

"Kim Nam Joon speaking."


A gasp of excitement could clearly be heard on the other line.

"Jin? What's up?"

"Nothing much. What about you?"

"Same. You actually find me in the gym at the moment."

Seokjin, upon hearing this, blushed. For some reason, Namjoon being all sweaty, hot and worn out got him feeling some kind of way.

"Anyway.." he said, clearing his throat loudly "Look, I am at my job right now. I just collected my monthly paycheck and have some money to spend, sooo.."

"So, wear a suit and good shoes tonight. We are going out to eat, my treat."

"Aw, Seokjin you don't need to-"

"Hey, take it as part of a thanks from me to you, for all the good things you have done to me lately. You have been really kind, and it is time to return the favor.
And I will not take no for an answer, Joonie.." he said, mimicking Namjoon's "serious" voice.

Namjoon chuckled on the other side.
"What am I going to do with you.."

ayooo, this chapter is shit AND short, and i hate it, but it is needed to help the story continue... so it's ok, i guess?

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