"I am not getting out of the house."
"Yeah right."
"Namjoon, I am not fucking kidding."

For, maybe too many, minutes now, Namjoon was trying to finally persuade Seokjin to get out of his apartment.

"First of all, language-"
"Oh fuck off, you swear as well!"
"Not as much as you, tho."
"Don't get me started-"
"That's not the point, Jin. You are here too long, trapped in those four walls. You must be tired of living here all this time, alone, right?"

No answer.

"Look, I am not going to debate with you any more. Go put you shoes on, we will go at the park."

Around fifteen minutes later, we find an annoyed Seokjin and a prideful Namjoon in the condo's elevator, both of them silent and casually dressed.

Namjoon looked sideways towards Seokjin and then said chuckling :
"Come oooon, don't be such a baby, we are gonna have fun!"

No answer.

"Are you mad at me."

Still no answer.

"Oh, so now we are playing the silence game huh?"


"Okay then, Seokjin, two can play."

The elevator reached ground floor and Namjoon got out first.
Seokjin looked at him from behind. He didn't really want Namjoon to stop talking to him. He actually hated the idea in the first place.

"Namjoon wait up!"

Namjoon smiled slyly at himself.
"Always works out.."

They walked around the city, heading to the closest near by park. Along the way, they started talking, gossiping and criticizing practically everything, like high schoolers on a field trip. Cackling and laughing noisily, they both forgot to turn left to get to the park, which resulted to Seokjin's iconic wind shield laugh.
Namjoon loved his laugh immediately.

"Jin you have the best laugh in the world." he said breathlessly, trying not to pass out of laughter.

Jin felt flustered, and immediately blushed.

"Thanks Joon."

Getting closer and closer to the park, they decided to stop and get some ice cream (Jin's idea) in order to perfectly continue their evening. The sky darkened, causing the temperature to drop lower and lower by the minute.

Nothing stopped the two men from having the time of their lives, however, neither the dark nor the cold. They kept on talking ceaselessly, about Seokjin's job (he is a civil cervant) or Namjoon's favorite movie (Fight Club is incredible, according to him) or their opinion on sour candy (Namjoon was in favor, Seokjin was utterly disgusted).

They just enjoyed each other's company.

They sat down at a bench and looked at the sky, constantly changing colors, from light orange, to baby pink, to violet to, finally, dark purple. They started debating what causes the sky to graduate all these casts during sunset.

They reached no conclusion, of course.

They did get a good laugh out of it, though.

Seokjin started to feel cold. His teeth started to chatter and he was constantly  shaking.

Namjoon noticed, and instantly offered his jacket to him.

"No, Namjoon, I can't take your jacket?"
"Why not?"
"You are gonna get cold!"
"I never get cold, Jinnie. Take my jacket."

Seokjin took it happily and wore it, immediately feeling warmer and better.

"Thanks Joonie."

They stayed there until the moon appeared, giant and marvelous, anchoring Namjoon the moment it rised.

"You know, Jin, I really love the moon." Namjoon said εκστασιασμενος.

Seokjin looked at him, and felt his heart raising the moment he did.
He looked so fucking beautiful, talking about something he truly, deeply loved.

Seokjin suddenly felt the need to see Namjoon look like that when he talked about him as well.

"Really Joon?"
"Yeah... to me it is fascinating, so tempting and glorious. It is not too bright, like the sun, that annoys you with its constant light. No, on the contrary, moon is gentle, delicate, like fine glass. It is discreet, it offers you only the absolute needed light in order to do your acts. It may sometimes inspire great artists, mostly poets and songwriters, but it always has a mystical prestige that  charmless sun will never reach."

Seokjin was so intrigued by the way Namjoon talked. His eyes were locked to him, unable to look away. He realized just how much he truly loved being around Namjoon, how incredible it felt to have conversations with him.

"Fuck, Namjoon, how captivating can you be?" he thought.

Namjoon was lost in his thoughts, while looking at the moon enthralled.
He turned around and looked at his own moon, Seokjin, with the same beguilement flooding him.

He looked so interested in what he was saying, it was adorable.
Seokjin was so adorable.

He just wanted to show how he felt towards him. He felt as though he needed to kiss, hug, hold him so badly.

But how could he? He was a broken man, a widower, a victim of his mournful fate. Stuck by unfairness and bad fortune. He was in need of time to recover, feel better, find himself and accept Yeeun's death.

Namjoon felt a part of him dying, as he resisted every urge of him that demanded to kiss Seokjin.

He shouldn't. The time wasn't right...

"It's getting kind of late, doesn't it? Let's get you back home."

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