Seokjin arrived around afternoon at a road, in which he could identify practically nothing. It was unknown to him, as he never visited that part of the city. It was full of tall buildings, high apartments and plenty of garages.

Seokjin didn't like it here. It was noisy, crowded and kinda unnerving, if he wanted to be one hundred percent honest with himself. 

Namjoon interrupted his stream of thoughts, by putting his arm around him from behind, surprising him.

"Ayo, Jinnie!"
"Hey Joon!" Seokjin said smiling softly.
"This is the amazing place that you know?" he mocked, picking on Namjoon's nerves playfully.
"Okay, it might not look as much at first, but trust me, you are gonna love it. Just follow me."

Namjoon started walking towards a parking lot, one of those that have many floors.

Seokjin raised his left eyebrow. Did Namjoon suddenly lost his mind or what? Where was he getting him?

"Hey, Namjoon?"
"Where the hell are you going?"
"We are going there." he answered, pointing his finger towards the top floor of the parking lot.

Seokjin was more and more confused by the minute.

"You'll see!" Namjoon answered, with his eyes twinkling childlike.
"Okay, sure.." Seokjin said full of uncertainty.
"But if something happens-"
"Nothing will happen dude, relax.."

They walked to the lot and got up the stairs quickly.

The moment Seokjin reached top floor however, he was left speechless.

From there, you were able to see the whole Seoul from above. It had a panoramic view of the houses, the buildings, the parks, the lights, practically every corner of the city was at you feet, waiting secretly to be fully enjoyed, by the one that would be truly willing to do so.

Everything looked small from this perspective. It made you feel important, as though you were suddenly the sovereign of the world.

Seokjin felt the chilling air of the evening caressing his cheeks coldly. His nose was red, alongside with his face, but he felt such pure happiness, he didn't even notice.

Namjoon looked at him. Seokjin looked genuinely happy. He was smiling widely, his were sparkling, reflecting the city lights and the first stars that appeared shyly at the foggy sky.

Namjoon couldn't be happier, witnessing his beloved Seokjin smiling like that.

It was the perfect moment.

"Let's sit and watch the sunset.." Namjoon whispered.

Seokjin nodded silently, taking a deep, redemptive breath. He wanted to capture every little detail of this very moment in his memory, imprint it precisely, conceal it away from the hideously filthy outside world. He wanted this to be his new oasis, his new home, his new happiness.

He stared at Namjoon full of adoration.
He loved him.
He knew it for a while.
He realized it when he caught himself longing for Namjoon's presence daily.
He realized it when he started noticing every little detail of his daily behavior, when he found himself constantly thinking about him, about the way that he would react on specific situations, or what he was going to say during particular events.
He realized it when Namjoon was constantly on his mind, stubbornly not letting him sleep.
He realized it when he caught himself thinking to call Namjoon when something interesting or notable happened.
He realized it when he wanted Namjoon to stay with him, hang out with him as often as possible, hug him, cuddle him, even kiss him.

Kissing a man...

If you would ask Seokjin five years ago, if he would ever like a man romantically, he would have raised his eyebrow and laughed at your face unconvinced.

And now, he started developing feelings for someone of the same gender, both mentally and sometimes even physically. He wanted him, he was attracted to him.
And the time had come that Namjoon would be aware of his feelings as well.

They sat next to each other, looking at the sun that slowly setted, this time not particularly interestingly however. Their last shared sunset was much more memorable, as the sky constantly changed color, and the clouds never stopped moving, taking multiple beautiful shapes. This one was dull and mundane, unremarkable in every way, shape or form.

"Last sunset was more special.." Namjoon said disappointed that he was unable to gift his dear Seokjin another memorable experience.

Seokjin touched his hand and squeezed it tight.
Namjoon turned to him quite surprised.

"Maybe I can make this sunset a little bit more special.." Seokjin whispered quietly, moving closer and closer to Namjoon.

Taken aback by his actions and behavior, Namjoon was stock still, hardly even breathing.
"Seokjin what are you doing.." he mumbled, not sure if the burning sensation in his chest was due to his anxious thoughts or his eagerness to finally kiss Seokjin.
"I honestly don't know.. what I do know is that I like you Kim Nam Joon.. I like you as something a little bit more than a friend.. and that is new and frightening and scary to me, thinking that I start to develop feeling about a guy, as a supposedly straight man. But Kim Nam Joon you rearranged my way of thinking, my beliefs, my ideas, my everything. And now I can't resist you.." he said concluding, then moving slightly closer to Namjoon, making their lips connect.

Namjoon gasped, then kissed him back immediately, not losing a second of their long-awaited kiss. It was cottony and delivate, like a breath of fresh air that fills your lungs and gifts you life. It was sweet and feathery, full of tender love and pressed feelings that eagered to finally be expressed.

Namjoon was waiting to kiss Seokjin since he first saw him excited at that hospital wing, only due to of a bouquet of roses that he thought they would make the room look better.

Seokjin was waiting to kiss Namjoon since that magical night, when he was talking about moon so lovingly amazed, he couldn't resist his aura anymore.

Namjoon put his hand behind Seokjin's neck, pulling him closer. He went his hand through Seokjin's hair and touched his cheek softly, as though with any quick movement Seokjin could easily break into million of pieces. Seokjin kissed him
more intensively, wrapping his hands around Namjoon in a needy way. Namjoon, afraid that Seokjin might not enjoy it, slowly kissed him to the point where their tongues where exploring each other's mouths quickly, letting hot breaths escape from their mouths.

Seokjin felt weird. He liked it? Yeah, he loved it, to be exact. He wanted more, he felt as though this was meant to be.

Maybe it was.

Who knew?

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