Seokjin was standing in front of his wardrobe, couple of days later, in the depths of despair.
He was throwing everything out of his closet, in hope that he you discover an eye-catching blouse or a great pair of pants or a colorful outfit that Namjoon would like or anything really when-

Seokjin grabbed his phone the second it rang.

"Hey, baby!" Namjoon rapsy voice was heard on the other line.
"O-oh" Seokjin stuttered blushing "hey Joonie.."
"Are you getting ready?"
Seokjin glanced at the pile of clothes that were scattered all over his bedroom messily.
"Yeah, you could say that."
"Oh great, cause I am coming."
Seokjin kicked a jacket out of anger.
"That's awesome babe."
"Yeah... you ok?"
"Never better!" Seokjin answered in the edge of a mental breakdown, running frustrated around his house in a hurry, and picking up random clothes of the ground.
"Okay then.." Namjoon answered unsure.
"I'll be there in a minute or so-"
"Amazing!!" Seokjin hissed annoyed.
"Okay I don't know what to wear."
Namjoon laughed loudly and made Seokjin crack a frantic smile as well.
"Baby, it's not that big of a deal-"
"It IS, it's our first date, I want to be beautiful-"
"You already are beautiful love." Namjoon answered, managing to make Seokjin fall more in love with him.
"Yeah, that I know, but I just want to look good for you."
"If it's that big of a deal to you, just wear jeans and a t-shirt. I am not taking you somewhere too fancy after all."
Seokjin got suddenly excited.
"Wait, have you already planned the day?"
Namjoon chuckled.
"So I have beed told."
"Okay okay, don't act all high and mighty." Seokjin giggled playfully. "Just come and pick me up." he said, hanging off, not giving the chance to Namjoon to add anything else to the conversation anymore.

He went back and somehow tidied up the chaos he created, while picking his favorite casual outfit to wear.
Then he went to his bathroom, sprayed perfume on him and applied some lip balm on his soft lips.

He wanted to look perfect.
And that he did.
He brushed his hair and looked himself on the mirror.
Namjoon would really like him, and his was absolutely sure.

He heard a horn from outside.

"Namjoon!" Seokjin exclaimed happily, running towards his door and tripping over in the process.

He dashed through the hallways and down the stairs, jumped over the last stairs and pushed the door open acutely.

He got out. The day was cloudy and looked like it was going to rain soon, but Seokjin didn't mind at all.
For him it was going to be  a brilliant day.

Namjoon was standing across the door, laying his back on his car, poised on the bonnet.
He looked incredibly sexy.
Seokjin felt weird for a minute, but tried to brush it off as though it was insignificant.

He walked towards Namjoon, waving his hand cheerfully.

"Hey baby!"
Namjoon turned his head, a smile appearing on his face the moment he beheld Seokjin.
"Hey cutie." he said, slightly licking his lips when he got closer.
He grabbed his neck and pulled him into a short but heated kiss. Seokjin kissed him back quickly, and they shared a moment while on top of Namjoon's car.

Seokjin looked down shyly, when they broke off their kiss. Only Namjoon could make him feel so many butterflies in his stomach, every single time.
How could he do this?
"So, let's get going then!" Namjoon said, getting up and starting to walk.
"Wait, aren't we going to drive there?"
"Nah, it's close enough, let's just take a walk together instead." Namjoon answered, extending his palm towards Seokjin, implying that he should hold his hand.

Seokjin walked bouncily to Namjoon and gladly held his hand, tangling their fingers together and looking at him with adoration.

They walked for a while, at the beginning in an extended but comfortable silence, fully enjoying each other's company. They were constantly looking at the ground, smiling then giggling silently. Later, however, they started chatting, which resulted to them having long conversations and cracking silly jokes, until they reached a tall, grey building.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2020 ⏰

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