Namjoon demanded to drive Seokjin back at his place, insisting that it was too late for someone as beautiful as him to wander around an area as such. It was dangerous, he said repeatedly. Seokjin didn't resist too much, as it had gotten cold and this part of the Seoul was unknown to him and sometimes it frightened him as well.
While driving, Namjoon's hand was on Seokjin's thigh not so discreetly.
Seokjin had to admit, he really liked feeling owned by Namjoon...

As they were approaching Seokjin's apartment building, he caught himself thinking.. now that they have kissed and confessed to each other, maybe it was time for the next step.
Or was it too early for this?
"I mean, I am ready, aren't I? I know what I want, and what I want is him by my side. I want to feel him more often, kiss him more often. And I can only do that by ask him, right?
What if he feels weird? Maybe he isn't ready. Maybe he wants to make sure he really likes me. What if I come of too strong, asking him something like this that fast.. Like, we just had our first kiss, and YES it was magical, YES we have waited for it for ages now, YES I want to take it further, but perhaps it too quick.
I want it to be perfect, that's all. And I may ruin the whole thing by taking this πρωτοβουλια, and that's the last I wanna do.
Maybe I should just stay quiet. Yeah that's what I'm gonna do. I mean, I lost Yeeun not long ago, maybe a relationship is not what I need at the moment. I need time.
More time?
I had my time, made my decisions, I feel so ready for this, why should I need more time?
Maybe cause this is new for me..
That's it.
New is weird. Different is scary.
But like, exiting too!
No no, there is no need to rush the situation.
Namjoon is quite shy after all, maybe he will feel uncomfortable and doubtful and unready and-"

"Hey Jinnie?"
Seokjin was suddenly brought back to earth by being cut of his agonizingly long monologue, realizing he was silent for too long now.
"Ah, we arrived already!" Seokjin said maybe too exited, blushing and mincing words.
He felt like a school boy being caught reading questionable magazines on class.
"Yeah, we did.." Namjoon answered, surprisingly gloomy and sad.
"Hey, are you okay, babe?" Seokjin asked concerned, slowly reaching for his hand, wanting to making sure Namjoon knew he was there for him.
Namjoon did not answer, only looked at Seokjin in the eyes. He seemed deep in thought, as though something was nagging away at him from inside.
"Seokjin, I know it is kinda soon, but.. Do you want to be my boyfriend?"


i know it is maybe too soon for them to be together, but i reaaally wanted to finally get them together and become a couple so.. yeah :3

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