"So, you are sure that Jin can go home now?"

"Mr. Kim-"

"Yes?" the two men said at the same time.
The doctor raised his eyebrow flashily.

"Mr. Kim Seok Jin" he added, clearly annoyed by the synonymy and Namjoon's presence "I can assure you that, you are one hundred percent able to return to your home. You can now walk on your own, move on your own, and most importantly, take your medical treatment on your own. Thus, you are now allowed to leave."

"Really!?" Seokjin said, acting like a child that was allowed to eat his candy after his vegetables.

"Really." the doctor answered, unbothered and disdained regarding Seokjin's excitement, noting down some reminders. "Please check out before 8:00 p.m." he added, and then exited the room.

The moment he did, Seokjin jumped off his bed and, without thinking about any of the consequences of his actions, hugged Namjoon so tight, he almost lost his breath.

Seokjin's action took Namjoon by surprise. Seokjin had never even touched his arm, so hugging him was a big step.

Nonetheless, he hugged him back immediately, as though they were old pals, meeting after a long while.

Seokjin broke free first, then looked into Namjoon's eyes gladly.
"I did it Joonie! I can finally get out of this hellhole!!!"

Namjoon laughed loudly, with a laugh that filled the whole room. Seokjin felt his pulse fastening for a moment.

"Ahhh, Jinnie you are so great!"
"I am, aren't I??"
"The greatest."
"Yah, I know." he said confidently.
"You are unbelievable.."

They packed together Seokjin's stuff, even if they weren't that many anyway. While doing so, they kept talking so much, a young nurse came and scolded them.

They giggled like schoolboys after she left.

They went to the hospital's reception, checked out, and left immediately. Seokjin couldn't drive, so Namjoon took the wheel.

The ride was fun and delightful, with the two men shouting, laughing hysterically and singing along to Britney Spears. However, when they got to the highway, Seokjin suddenly got silent and stared in the distance. He was acting weird, looking at his feet and readjusting at his seat.

Namjoon noticed it instantly.

"Hey are you okay, Jin?"
No answer.
"Did something happened?"
Still silence.
"Did you remember someth-"
"Did yo-"
"I said no. I'm fine."

However the rest of the ride was quiet and gloomy, with a heavy atmosphere hanging over them.

"Jin?" Namjoon said after some time.
"What." he said sharply.
"Where do you live?"
Seokjin cracked a laugh.
"Shit, I didn't tell you, did I?"
"Nope, sorry man." Namjoon answered chuckling.
"Ridelwood Street"
"Better late than never."

Seokjin gave Namjoon a nasty look, but didn't react further.

They arrived at Ridelwood Street half an hour later, during of which they hardly talked. Namjoon felt awful about Seokjin, but knew he couldn't do anything more at the moment.

"Where do you live?"
"Do you see that tall condo?"
"Jin, this road is full of tall condos, please be more specific."
"Well, the grey one."
"With the big yard?"
"Yeah that one."

Seokjin opened his door, grabbed his backpack and got out quickly. Namjoon followed him, helping him out by opening the front door.

Then they stopped.

Silence. None of them talked, as the warm, August breeze delicately moved their hair and touched their faces. It was a cloudless night, where all the stars could visibly be seen, gifting their light to anyone who was able to enjoy it.

Seokjin and Namjoon were more than able to enjoy the star's company, as well as their own. Namjoon stood still, hands crossed in front of his chest, while Seokjin layed at his back, with the wall for support. Uninterested in talking further, they stared at each other, taking pleasure in the quietness they have created.

Seokjin noticed, for the first time, how gorgeous Namjoon's eyes are, how easily you can look at them for hours, how perfectly his hair would fall on his face, how luscious his lips are, how cute he is when his dimples are showing.

Namjoon noticed, for the first time, how captivating Seokjin is when being peaceful, how his eyes would flicker in the moonlight, how he would part his lips while thinking, how attractive he can get when in deep thought.

Namjoon spoke first, slowly and huskily, as though he interrupted some kind of secret ritual. He didn't want to stop this magically calm moment they shared, but, at some point, he should.

"Is this goodbye?"
"For now." Seokjin answered "You do have my number after all, so why worry? We will call each other, alright?"

Namjoon smiled, uncrossed his hands and extended one towards Seokjin.

"So we will meet again."

Seokjin looked at Namjoon's hand, and shook it firmly.

"Oh, we will, don't you worry."


Ayo, it's me, talking to you the reader for the first time :D so tbh i really love how the story is going, and i have a plan on how it's gonna end as well. However, i really want to hear some of your criticism too. Tell me anything you wanna tell me, help me out, make me become better :) also btw, english is not my first language, meaning that if you see grammatical mistakes or wrong use of words, don't be afraid to point it out.

Ok that's all, luv u, thank u for sticking around tho :"3

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