-Chapter 1- Where it Begins

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—3 person POV—
Born in Shizuoka Prefecture to F/N and M/N L/N,
Y/N L/N, was perfection every way to her parents and they swore they would never let her go. However, due to her mother's occupation, that promise would not be kept. In due time the League of Villains grew tired of having to wait for M/N, they threatened to "eliminate" her daughter if she did not stay on the task at hand. F/N, stepped in stating he was the reason that M/N was constantly off task. The League, took out F/N and left him to die. He was found by M/N and Y/N, half alive. His last dyeing words to his daughter and wife being "I guess I really am a hero, I love you two." M/N mourned the loss of her husband, angrily, she yelled at her daughter "This is your fault!"
"You should have been the one to die!"
"He's gone because of you!"
"Just leave and don't come back.!" So at the age of 5 she took her mother's advice and left. A simple note , in sloppy hand writing read,
"I'm sorry I killed daddy, I won't be coming back just like you asked.
Goodbye Mommy"

Y/N wandered the streets of Musutafu, alone, it was cold, dark, and through the eyes of a five year old terrifying. She found and park bench and slept

—Time Skip—

Y/N woke up in the morning surprised to see she wasn't in her room, quickly remembering the events of the previous evening, frowning.
She continued to wonder until she noticed she was hungry. Being a fairly clever girl Y/N understood that a person could go a week without food, but she definitely needed water.
She reached a small convenience store and walked in, "Hello welcome to the shop." A male clerk said plainly. Quickly noticing the shopper was a young girl his tone of voice changed into a softer, calmer sound, "Oh well what are you doing in here all alone." Quickly thinking of a lie, Y/N fibbed, "Oh my mommy sent me to grab some water and bread, but I think I forgot the money at home." "Well that's no problem, why don't you grab what you need and I'll pay for it." The clerk replied. "Really!! Thanks, mister." Y/N chirped excitedly. The clerk's coworker, interjects "I don't think that's a good idea, Yuri." The clerk, Yuri, replies "It's fine. Why make the kid walk back and fourth if I have money right here!" Yuri argued. "All right that's two bottles of water, and two loafs of bread, the total is ¥1000. I'll pay that up for you kid, have a nice day!" He shouted.
"Thank you sir!" Y/N shouted back.

—Y/N's POV—

Wow! That man was so nice. I wonder why he would do that for a kid who just walked into the store? I found my park bench and ate my bread. Man I sure was hungry.

—3 Person POV—
Y/N continued the cycle of going from convenience store to convenience store for a week, using the same excuse over and over. Most if not all clerks would simply say, "Come back and pay later" which, unsurprisingly never happened. One night she was resting when a loud yell awoke her "OH COME ON SHOTA!" The voice yelled. "Stop shouting people are trying to sleep." A deeper monotone voice stated. "And, no we are not getting a puppy, they're loud and messy."
"but they're super cute!" The louder voice exclaimed. " I don't care." She eventually put faces to the voices, spotting a blonde hippy looking man, and a guy Y/N recognized as homeless. Their argument continued, and eventually annoyed Y/N to the point where she shouted, "Enough yelling I'm trying to sleep here!!"

—Homeless Man POV—

I turned around to see a young girl about five years old, with H/C and E/C
What the hell is she doing out here alone at night? "Hey kid, what are you doing out here all alone?" I asked. "Like I said I was trying to sleep." Oh so this brat thinks she's clever?
"I understand that, but where are your parents?" I ask again.
"Oh! My parents? They um- um I don't have any." She stated with a sad tone of voice.
"What do ya mean you don't have parents?!" Hizashi inquired. Geez, he needs to learn how to deal with kids. "My father was killed, and as far as I'm concerned my mother won't even look at me, she's the one that told me to leave, so is did." She answered, tears dripping down her face. "I just want somewhere to go, someone to come home to, someone to take care of me." She sobbed. "Whoa hey don't cry, I'll take care of you." My mouth said be for I could think. I don't know what it is but this kid gives me a feeling, like I need to protect her, like I can teach her, to be a hero, to be a good person, maybe I can be a father. "Wait really?!" She yelled. "Yeah really?" Hizashi asked. "Yes, we can take care of you."
I replied. " Wait we!" Hizashi exclaimed.
"Yes the two of us, we're about to get married, Hizashi you act like we won't be stuck together." I answered "You do realize taking care of a kid can be a lot right?" Hizashi inquired. "Yes I understand that, but she needs us, and who are we to turn down a person in need, how can we call ourselves heroes if we turn her a way!?" I whisper-shouted. "Ok, ok calm down, we'll take care of her." Hizashi finally cracked.

—3 person POV—

At that the three left the park bench, and walked straight to a police station. Y/N explained her situation and police were quick to respond, although she knew they would never catch The League of Villains, it was worth a shot. Through countless months of paperwork and 3 different foster homes, Y/N was finally able to make it to the men who didn't turn her away, the ones who tried to protect her, and the ones she could call her parents,
Shota Aizawa, and Hizashi Yamada
(Soon to be Yamada-Aizawa). She was dubbed
Y/N Aizawa, and that was where it all started.

Ok so that's what I have written so far, I did this at like 1am because I was bored so yeah. I originally had the name Mei in place of Y/N, she's my original character so thats who I wrote about. I hope you enjoyed, and continue to read.

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