-Chapter 4- Train Ride

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—Time skip—
End of the day
—Y/N POV —

We were finally done for the day and could go home. As the class exited after the bell rang I made sure that no one left after me.
Can't have anyone know that I stay at the school. I started walking down the hall looking for my parents. Damn where are they, I literally just saw Papa. I texted them too come on what could they be doing right now  Dad doesn't have work until later! I continued to type until... THUD! Ow. "Oh hello there young Aizawa or should I say L/N!" The tall man exclaimed. Uncle Might. Not a surprise he is a teacher here now. "Hey Uncle Might, and you've known me since I was 5 I'm pretty sure you earned the right to call me Y/N." I stated. "Right. Sorry about that." He apologized. "It's fine, anyway have you seen my dads either one?" I asked
"No I'm afraid not, you might want to try the teachers lounge!" The exclaimed with a smile. How is he always so happy? It's amazing.
"Thanks, Uncle Might." I thanked him and continued to walk until I arrived at the teachers lounge.

I opened the door to the teacher's lounge to find Aunt Midnight ."Oh Hello Y/N what are you doing here at this time?" She asked.
"Oh Aunty Night I was looking for my dads I can't find them anywhere, and they won't respond to texts." I explained "I'm sorry honey I wouldn't be able to tell you. Look it's getting late you might wanna head home. The last train leaves in about 30 minutes, wait any longer and you'll be stuck here for 2 hours. I'll tell your fathers you'll be home by the time they get there, alright." She told me with a reassuring smile.  I sighed, "Right, I'll be leaving then thanks Aunty Night."

With that I left, I put my ear buds in and began to walk to the train station. Damn, really when will they give me a heads up I was waiting so long everyone already left. I continued to walk when I hit something that stopped me. Oops! I exclaimed in surprise. Who did I hit this time?
I look up to see none other than the red and white haired kid from before. "Oh sorry about that, I didn't mean to bump into you I wasn't paying attention." I explained. "It's fine, I understand it was a accident." He assured me.
"You're in my class right?" He asked. "Yeah,
Y/N L/N." I stated.
"Shoto Todoroki." He said plainly. "Oh you came in second place during the test." I recalled. "Yes, that was me."
"Well it's nice to meet you Todoroki." I greeted and put my hand out for a hand shake. He took it and replied, "Nice to meet you as well L/N." I cringed at the name. "Y/N is fine, I don't take much of a liking to my given name."
"Oh sorry Y/N." He's so pretty, Wait WHAT? Why Am I thinking that I'm crazy. "Um Y/N our hands?" I looked down to see we were still holding hands. I blushed a slight pink. "Sorry!" I pulled away. His hand it was so warm.

—Todoroki POV—
Her hand was so warm, I want to feel that again. WAIT I can't be thinking like that we just met and she only just found out my name I must be going crazy.

I decided to start a conversation rather than just stand there and stare at him.
"So what are you doing here so late?" I asked.
"I could ask you the same thing." He responded. "Fair, but I asked first." I continued
"I asked second." He replied. "I asked first, you answer first." I told him. "Who made that rule up?" He asked. "The gods!" I exclaimed. "The question asking gods?" "Yes."
"Fine if you must know, I leave late so I can avoid my father." He gave in. "Now what about you?"
"Oh me?" I asked. What do I say I can't exactly tell him my dads are teachers. "My parents didn't tell me if they were home or not and I decided to wait here." I fibbed
"So you avoid your dad?" I asked
"We should probably go, the train might leave." He avoided my question. No dad. Touchy subject I guess. He acted like how I get when it comes to Mother.
"Right, actually the next train leaves in 20 minutes. WAIT 20 MINUTES! We have to go or we're gonna be stuck here for the next 2 hours." I exclaimed and explained.
I grab his hand without thinking and start to run.

—Todoroki POV—
The warmth it's back. Please don't leave again.

—Time skip—
—After a speedy 15 Minute Sprint—

We arrived at the train station just in time to get on the train. They found seats near no one so they could talk with out bothering others. "That was a close one." She sighed exhausted from the run.
"Yeah." I replied 
She looked at our hands and released mine from her grasp. "Sorry. Again." She said with a slight blush across her face.  "It's fine really, your hand it's very warm." I stated. Why did I say that? She probably knows her hand is warm I didn't need to state that. "Yeah, probably from using Bakugo's quirk he sweats a lot." She stated with a chuckle. I slightly smiled. Her laugh it's so soft

Did he just smile? Why was it so perfect? Is that even allowed? 
And was he smiling at me? Oh my god did I make him smile.
"So Todoroki, tell me more about your self." I asked eager to learn more about the boy.
"What if I want to know more about you?" He inquired. "Here, how about this? I ask a question and we both answer it, then you ask a question and we both answer it." I stated
"That works with me." He agreed.

"Ok favorite color?" I asked "White." He simply stated. "Ok, well mine is F/C." I answered as well. Start off slow and ease into the deeper questions.

"Favorite food?" He asked "F/F for sure" I answered "Mine is Cold soba." He replied 
"I won't lie to you Cold soba is really good and quite honestly under rated." I responded to his choice of food.

"Oh I've got one. Favorite hero?" I asked
"All Might, he always saves people with a smile on his face and doesn't care about fame and money."  He explained "All might is an amazing Hero but I wouldn't say he's my favorite. I've got a soft spot for Eraserhead."
I addressed. "Eraserhead? Like our teacher?" He asked. "Yeah, when I was younger I lost my parents and he helped me find them. As much as he is an underground hero, I always looked up to him and his work. We also have similar quirks so that just added to the admiration." I finished explaining.

"What's your quirk?" He asked "Oh my quirk. Well the first part of it allows me to erase any persons quirk as long as they are in my field of vision, I can even stop it while I blink. The second part allows me to copy a quirk and skill level of any quirk, so if I copy a pros quirk I gain pro abilities.  The third part is called Manipulate, I can control the power of anyone's quirk making them weaker or stronger without erasing he quirk completely. " I finish. "What about you?"
"My quirk is Half Hot- Half Cold, I have Fire on my left side and ice on my right." That's amazing both parts of his quirk work so well with each other.

The intercom rang out.

We got up from our seats and began to walk off the train. As we made it outside we continued to walk together until we realized we were headed in the same direction. "Hey I'm going this way alright." I told him.
"Yeah so am I." He chuckled.  We continued to walk until I reached my house.
"Well this is my stop thanks for walking with me Todoroki. You could have easily left but you put up with me thanks." I thanked him for staying. "It's fine really I didn't want to leave anyways you're a nice person to talk to Y/N thank you for answering my questions." He told me. "Uh Yeah, your nice to talk to as well Todoroki. Well bye." I farewelled "Goodnight,
Y/N and Goodbye." With that he left only a few houses down from me.

I walked to my front door realizing the time, '7:00 pm' How did I not notice this before I left the school so early? I unlock the door to see both of my fathers standing at behind it with their arms crossed. "Well young lady care to tell me what you were doing at 7:00pm with Shoto Todoroki?" Dad asked. "Look I can explain." And with that I bolted up to my room before they could catch me locking the door.
"Don't think you're getting away with this!" Papa yelled.

I got ready for bed and thought.
I made a friend, and he's really cute. But he's just a friend. Right?

—Todoroki POV—
"Shotooooo!" The old man yelled "What were you doing out so late?!"
"Avoiding you." I responded "I was with a friend leave me alone."  I walked upstairs to my room and got ready for bed.  I thought
I made a friend, and she's really cute. but she's just a friend. Right?

I finally got to the Reader x Todo and I love it so much!! This is my favorite chapter and it's so soft. Sorry If Todo is a bit out of character I'm horrible at keeping characters in character.

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