-Chapter 8- A Night In

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"So what should we make to eat?!" Papa asked excitedly. "Wait you're gonna help?" I asked "Of course we're gonna help! Did you think we were gonna leave you to make food by yourself? It's our night in we're gonna hang as a family!" He exclaimed. Papa is terrible at cooking. This isn't gonna need well, but he's so excited. I can't turn him down. "So what are we gonna make?" Dad asked impatiently. "How about katsudon?" I suggested. "Great idea! So what roles are we all gonna have?!" Papa exclaimed. "Ok so since we all know you suck at cooking, you can cut the vegetables." I said trying to hold in a laugh. "Well. I- that's fair. I'm an entertainer not a chef like you two." Papa stated. "Mic we all have our strong suits you just happen to suck at cooking." Dad said plainly. "Well at least I can interact with people unlike others." Papa said glaring at Dad. We stood in silence until bursting into laughter at Papa's call out. We calmed down and I hear my stomach growl longing for a meal. "Ok so, time for dinner!" I exclaimed excited for food.

——After meal——
—-3rd Person POV—-
After their meal Mic, Shota, and Y/N decided it would be best to play some Board Games! (Fully knowing that Shota would want to win and get angy if he didn't.)
Y/N when upstairs to find Uno. She thought: Oh god we're gonna hate each other. Worth it!
She grabs the game and runs downstairs to see her fathers around the coffee table.
"So look what I found!" Y/N exclaims holding the game up. "I'm gonna win" Shota smiles.
"No way! I'm not letting either of you win this! It's my time to shine!" Mic exclaimed "Sure. Keep dreaming Papa" Y/N says plainly.
"Ok let's play already!" Shota semi shouts full of "excitement"

—-Y/N POV—-
Oh hell yeah, I'm gonna win this. "I'll shuffle!"
I exclaim "Yeah sure you will. Last time I let you shuffle you dropped all the cards on the floor and mixed them around." Dad said looking at me in amusement. "I mean they were shuffled weren't they?" I rebutted "I guess they were, but I'm not letting you do it again." He said as he took the cards and shuffled them neatly, dealing 7 to Papa and I, and placing the rest in the middle of the table. Papa flipped the first card, and the game started. If they're still married after this I'll be so surprised.
"OH COME ON! Another +4 you two are plotting against me." Dad said in anger as he held his deck of 17 cards. "It's all apart of the game Love." Papa said laughing holding his significantly smaller deck of 6 "Well I'm winning" I said placing a card down leaving me with 2. We continued going around "Don't get so cocky Y/N" Dad said.
"Oh, but I will. Uno." I smirked "Not so fast!" Dad said as he placed a wild rule card reading "Swap your deck with winning player"
"Wait what?!" I yelled. "Hand it over!" He laughed grabbing my card, and handing me his deck of 14 cards. "Uno!" He said insuring his place as the current winner of the game.

"Oh come on!" Papa exclaimed as Dad placed his last stolen card. "I can't believe you won." I pouted "I told you I would win." He said cocky as ever. "I was hoping that I would win just this once." Papa said in a sad tone, but still smiling. "I always win Mic" Dad said kissing Papa on the cheek. "Eww" I said laughing.
"Well it's 12 am, we need to head to bed. Let's go" Dad said looking at Papa and I. "You can't be mad if I fall asleep in class tomorrow by the way." I told Dad. "We'll see." He said smiling

Holy Hell its been a while! Rebranding all around 💀 I'm going to be doing an update chapter since unfortunately I have no clue if I'm gonna keep writing this! It's kinda hard to find motivation for a story I haven't even looked at for a while! I'm really sorry.
-Jessi ❤️

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