Ball of Horemones

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Alright so I've made a Jariana tumblr! 😊 please, I'm practically begging you. Go check it out. It's ❤️


"Remember when I made this one in school last year?" Caitlin looked proud as she held up a pine cone with red and green glitter sprinkled all over it.

Ariana smiled and nodded from her position on the couch, Kenzie was leaning against her, and the little girl had tired herself out after their very eventful day. "Yeah sweetie," Ariana lied. Immediately she felt guilty but she couldn't say no, it would break her little girl's heart. Ariana didn't know where the majority of the ornaments and decorations came from. Although she was happy to see a few ornaments from her childhood.

"Put it on kiddo," Jai smiled as he stood next to the tree; he was responsible for getting the ornaments on the top half of the tree. "And then I think that'll do it, we did a pretty good job on it." The tree was completely decorated; there was practically no pine needle that had gone untouched.

"Ok," Caitlin smiled excitedly. "I gotta find the perfect spot," Caitlin searched the tree and with much thought she placed her pine cone on the bottom of the tree.

"Perfect," Ariana smiled.

"Almost perfect," Jai replied. "We need to put the star on the top."

"Yeah!" Caitlin exclaimed. "I just saw it in one of the boxes."

"Me too," Jai knelt down and began to rummage through some boxes. "Found it, now who wants to put it on the top?"

"Me!" Both Kenzie and Caitlin screamed, of course they both wanted to do it.

"Come here girls," Jai laughed, as Kenzie climbed off the couch and Caitlin scooted closer to him. Jai opened his arms to them and handed Kenzie the star before he lifted them both up. Little Kenzie suddenly had a little bit more life in her when it came to putting the star on the tree.

"Be careful," Ariana breathed out nervously, Jai was strong but lifting both of the girls up high made her a little uneasy.

"Relax baby, I've got everything under control," Jai chuckled. "Ok, put it on," Jai instructed them, by this time Caitlin had also grabbed half of the star. She wasn't just going to let Kenzie do it all by herself, as the older sister she knew that she could do it better anyway. The girls leaned over and carefully put the shining star on top of the tree.

"Good job girls!" Ariana cheered and gave them a little clap as Jai set them both firmly down on the ground.

"It looks good, but I think we need to see the whole picture. The tree will look even better once we turn the lights on too," Jai suggested and Ariana nodded, standing up to join her family by the tree. Jai bent down and turned on the switch, causing the tree to become illuminated.

"Oh, it's beautiful," Ariana let out as she looked at their beautiful family tree. Jai and the girls had worked so hard on it, placing every ornament on each needle with a purpose. Ariana had helped a little but Jai wanted her to take it easy, he really pampered her. Ariana didn't know why but she was blessed to have such a wonderful loving husband like Jai. As she watched the glowing tree, Ariana was suddenly overwhelmed with happiness. Hormones, she thought as Jai wrapped his arms around her.

"What do you think girls?" Jai asked as he rested his head on Ariana's shoulder, looking down to his beautiful children.

"It's the best!" Caitlin exclaimed. "I bet that I have the best tree in my whole class!"

"It's so pretty," Kenzie let out before a big yawn. "Lights are so pretty."

"I think its time for a nap little girl," Jai smirked to Ariana who nodded.

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