The day of the crime part 2

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Venus angered by the question that Eden asked, yelled, "Kill my Husband! Are you out of your mind? How dare you think that...".

Eden cut her off, "I apologize madam, but what were you doing at 5:00 am?". Venus sat tense in the chair, "I was sleeping. What else could I be doing? I bet the others are saying they had to "Get Ready" or some don't answer at all, but Mr. Pierce, I was sleeping. I heard my husband scream, I rushed out of our bedroom and called the police.". 

Pierce narrowed his eyes, "What is your relationship with Troy?". 

Venus looked into the man's eyes, "He was my husband's best friend, making him my best friend. He would never kill my Marco!". 

She wept into her hand, "Troy sleepwalks. It was fine before. Then later he began to go outside.". The detective leaned forward on his chair, "Why do you think he killed Marco?.". Venus looked at her wedding ring, "Maybe he was jealous I took his best friend away from him, or something like that.". Eden took some notes and dismissed her. The junior cop accompanying him, asked Eden, "Is the questioning done for today?". His gray eyes relaxed into his masculine face, "No. I called them all into questioning tonight. Now we head off to interview Troy.". 

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