Tuesday night

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   To waste time, Pierce headed to the Morgue to inspect the body. He stood over it. Marco had slicked back copper-colored hair with freckles under his eyes. He had multiple stab wounds in his stomach. "How many wounds are there?". A woman working there examined the info paper and reported, "There are 2.". Eden looked at the info sheet, recorded a few notes and headed on his way. He drove to the cul de sac, to discover all of the suspect's bickering. Pierce got out of his car and called Betty to be interviewed. Betty embraced her daughter and followed the detective inside. Once they had entered the room, he looked down at her hands, which were shaking. He began his interrogation, "I asked you what you and your daughter were doing at 5:00 am and you told me you were getting her to school. So, how come when I did I background check on the school, it started at 7:00?". 

   Betty was flustered now. Her arms were crossed, and her hazel eyes were looking down. Her slim figure was shaking so abundantly that her red coat almost slipped off of her shoulders. The lady looked up into the detective's eyes and wept, "I lied! Her school doesn't start at 5. I was protecting Troy...". She paused for a second so she could wipe her tears, "He was sleepwalking again that morning...I noticed it and I helped him get back into his house behind the houses, so the cameras wouldn't see. I didn't know that Marco was dead, and Troy would get blamed for it. I know that sleepwalking is dangerous, people have gotten in trouble for it...". Eden smirked and wrote down some notes. Betty pointed at the notes, "Say, what are you writing in those notes? I'm not going to get arrested, am I?". Eden didn't look up from the note pad, "It's classified. You won't get arrested unless you committed the crime.". He dismissed Betty and told her to call in the next person. The lady stood with welling tears and left. Lou walked in shortly after and sat in the chair. She was an exact copy of her mother, except for her long hair, and blue eyes. "What did you do the day before the crime?", Eden urged. The girl tapped her finger on her chin, "Well, I woke up, went to school, came home, went to my piano lessons...". Pierce cut her off, "Where were your piano lessons? Tell me what happened there.". Lou shut her eyes, "At the Shedd's house, Venus teaches me.", she opened her eyes, "I went there, played a little of Clair de Lune, which I am horrible at. Then I left.". Eden wrote down some notes, "Do have a key to the Shedd's house?". 

   Lou reached in her pocket, pulling out a brass key, "Yes, Venus gave it to me, so sometimes I can let myself in...Venus always is hard on me for lessons. So, that night I unlocked the door, letting in some cold air. She hates it, she's always wearing blankets.", she paused tightly gripping the key, "But I never thought someone would sneak in. It's all my fault, if I wouldn't have opened the door, the murderer wouldn't have come in!". 

  The tiny girl trembled with tears. The junior cop handed her a tissue and released her, Eden summoned her to call in Mr. Fret.

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