Tuesday night part 2

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  Mr. Fret shuffled smoothly into the room while glimpsing at the detective. The room was the living room of Troy. It was very appointed, yet some parts of the room made you feel uneasy. Mr. Fret sat down in the chair and looked out the window. Eden noticed this, for he noticed everything, and remarked, "Do you often look out windows? I've heard that you like to keep an eye on what happens.". The old man blurted, "Why would you say it like that? I have the right to know what happens to my neighbors!". Knowing what he said was wrong, he slouched back into his chair. 

"Tell us what you did at 5:00?". 

  The elderly man adjusted his glasses, whispering, "Did you know that Troy sleepwalks, even if he didn't do it, he still could have done it by accident.". Eden snapped, "Stop talking about other people! I want to know what you did at the times I told you!". Mr. Fret slouched in his chair, "Fine, If you must. I woke up early to watch the news special. Then, I heard a man scream. I got excited because nothing interesting ever happens here. I put on my coat, heading outside, with the news on the phone.", he hesitated for suspense, "Then, the scream happened again. Except for this time the scream wasn't surprised, it was a dying sound. I headed to where the screaming came from, the Shedd's house. I checked on Venus who said her husband had been killed...Or killed himself. But she was convinced it was murder. I asked her who would do such a thing. Before she could answer, another scream came from Larson's house.". Eden scratched down some notes, "Describe the scream if you will.". Mr. Fret rubbed his face as if it would help him remember. He stopped and looked at the detective, "The one from Larson's house sounded, of fear. It wasn't as piercing as the two from Marco. It was quieter." Pierce jotted down extra notes, "Are you sure Venus never answered who she thought did it?". The old man looked up at the ceiling, "No. She got interrupted, as I told you.". 

Eden dismissed the man and told him to call in the last suspect,


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